push notification re launches app in android
Hi, I'm using the Xam.Plugin.Pushnotification package to implement cross platform push notification. It works fine on the iOS build and works mostly on the Android build. In iOS if a notification comes...
View ArticleBluetooth Xamarin Forms
Hi, i have a problem using xamarin forms to android. Im trying to list all devices to connect using Robotics Component. The adapter is comming as well adapter.StartScanningForDevices (); but this event...
View ArticleNative linking failed, undefined Objective-C class
Hi bro, I would like to access a 3rdparty library in Xamarin.Forms. But I encountered a problem when compile my solution: MTOUCH: error MT5211: Native linking failed, undefined Objective-C class:...
View ArticleNavigationPage BarTextColor is not working in android 5.0
I set the BarTextColor at NavigationPage. Its working on android 4.0. But the color is not changing when install on android 5.o and above. My code is as follow: NavigationPage nav = new...
View ArticleCant use GetRequestStreamAsync Method
Hi i can't use GetRequestStreamAsync in Xamarin.Forms Project.i added System.Net dll.
View ArticleWebView content cut off vertically on iOS but not Android
In a tabbed app, one of my tabs contains a single WebView that I load with an HTML string read from a file. The HTML is super simple - just headings and paragraphs. On Android, everything is fine, but...
View ArticlePush Notification Channels Azure JS Backend
I'm developing a Xamarin.Forms app right now and am having some trouble configuring push notifications. I have followed the docs on...
View Article[Xamarin.IOS] [Xamarin.Forms] Soft Keyboard hides Entry at bottom of page.
[Xamarin.Forms] [Xamarin.IOS] I have a chat page which has a listview of messages and a horizontal stack at bottom (which contains an entry for new message and a send button). My problem is that in...
View ArticleShow keyboard on search button click
I have a search icon on the toolbar. When I click it, I am making search bar visible. I also want to be able to show search keyboard . How can I show the keyboard when user clicks on search icon on...
View ArticleStacklayout spacing=0 still showing space. Help!
Hi all, I've a xaml page with a top banner and bottom banner using stacklayout but there is a space between the banner and main(middle) stacklayout. How do i get rid of that space (Aqua line because of...
View ArticleLaunching application for debugging keeps showing on VS and iOS simulator quits.
Hi Xamarin Team, Please look at this for reference, "https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=28027" I tried many times to run my app on iOS simulator but it always quits after showing a splash of...
View ArticleBuild Errors in Android Apps with Xamatin Forms Dependencies
Recently went through a bit of a struggle with building Xamarin Projects which resulted in two new personal best practices and thought they might be worth sharing in case anyone else runs into the same...
View ArticleUnable to Run Xamarin.Forms app in iOS 9 Simulator - stuck with Waiting for...
Hi, I am trying to run my existing Forms project in iOS 9. I followed the instructions given in Xamarin documentation. Added my environment info below. === Xamarin Studio === Version 5.9.4 (build 5)...
View ArticlePossibility of Akka.Net support?
Hi, Would it be possible to provide support for Akka.Net ( http://getakka.net/ ) to allow development of reactive applications? Kind Regards, JP van der Merwe
View ArticleVideo plays only sound but no visual.
Good day, I'm developing an app with Xamarin.Forms and I'm trying to play a video. I have been googling for the past two days and almost every discussion has the same/similar possible solutions but...
View ArticleRendering Local Pdf to webview
Hey, I want to render local pdf file in WebView control of xamarin forms. Is that possible? How can we do that? Any suggestion?
View ArticleStrange digits in Windows 8.1 application
Hello, Could you comment please, why we have flickering digits in some areas of the Windows 8.1 application page? See screenshots for details. Regards, Aleksandrs
View ArticleQuestion about Windows toolbar №2
Hi, I have Windows 8.1 WinRT application which is using Xamarin.Forms ver And there is an empty light-gray part above a toolbar with a title, as you can see on the screenshot. And the...
View ArticleStatus bar overlapping Toolbar with FormsAppCompatActivity
I updated my app to Forms 1.5.1 and I'm switching over to using AppCompat for material design, but I'm having a problem with the toolbar. Once I get to my main page after signing it, the toolbar is...
View ArticleHow to get the IMEI number
Hello, Is there a way to get the IMEI number from Xamarin Forms app? for android and iOS.
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