Xamarin Push Notifications
I know how the Push notifications work in Xamarin (Android) and how to give the Push Notifications an Intent to open an android activity. Is there a way to instead of opening an Android activity to...
View Articleruntime binding errors
Where does xamarin studio log the runtime XAML binding errors? When I worked with VS, years ago, the binding errors were in the output window.
View ArticleCall Http and Https WCF service request from Xamarin.Forms
Hi, Xamarin.Forms I have created one application in Xamarin.Forms. I can able to request WCF service with HTTP protocol and get the response. But I was not able to request wcf service with HTTPS...
View Articlelayoutto problem
Hi. I'm developing a board game. I use absolutelayout and position the pieces on it using AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds. For moving the pieces, first a piece should be tapped, then a destination...
View ArticlePicker broken for Windows Phone 8.1?
The color example for the Picker control does not work on Windows Phone 8.1 when I reduce the number of colors in the pickers items list. If it is used with 6 items or more, the selection is shown as...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms.Maps on WinRT
The Release Notes for the last couple of versions of Xamarin.Forms.Maps on WinRT talk about fixes to the WinRT code. However, I don't see any WinRT libraries in the package. Is this available? Thanks!...
View ArticleAds for Xamarin Forms with CustomRenderer
https://github.com/sharker86/AdsPCLXamarin This is an example that how add ads for your aplications with Xamarin.Forms and Customs Renderers. The ads are implemented with admobs {windows phone}, google...
View ArticleMethod 'ProgressBar.set_IndeterminateTintList' not found.
I'm trying to upgrade a Xamarin Forms app to the latest and I'm getting the following error. I think it's happening on the ActivityIndicator but not certain. I've updated the Target Android...
View ArticleXamarin.forms can be developed at the same time android+ios+win10?
Xamarin.forms can be developed at the same time android+ios+win10?
View ArticleHow to change Xamarin Form NavigationPage Title Color
Hi, I am trying out the Native2Form Sample Downloaded from Xamarin Intro to Form page. In there I am unable to change the color of the navigation bar title which is build from Xamarin.Form. However if...
View ArticleHeader view in ScrollView (WebView)
I'm would like to put a header in the scrollview, which scrolls with the view. There is a ContentInset property in UIScrollView (UIWebView) for this, usable from a custom renderer. You can add a...
View ArticleHow to validate the server certificate in xamarin forms PCL while calling to...
In my xamarin forms app i am using HttpClient class to call the rest calls, in my rest url i am using "https" for secure connection every thing is working fine, but the problem is in server certificate...
View ArticleHow to Consume WCF service from Xamarin.Forms ?
How to Add Reference or Consume WCF Service from Xamarin.Forms ?
View ArticleHow to make .Forms stable…?
Unfortunately, I don’t think (but hope) that this posting will change things, but I have to write it (the hope dies last). Today (2015-05-19), I personally have 25 filled bugs in Bugzilla 11 of the 25...
View ArticleHow to change the text color of content page title.
Hi all, I have to change the text color of title "Tickets" in below sentence. ----------ContentPage x:Name="uiTicket" Title="Tickets"--------------- Is anyone know how to do this ?
View ArticleiOS not building or picking up updates
I have been working with a portable project now, I am running the iOS emulator on a Mac and I am running Visual Studio with Xamarin on my Windows 8.1 laptop. I was able to connect to the iOS Simulator...
View ArticleCustom Font in Xamarin.Forms (Font Awesome)
Is it possible to use custom ttf font in Xamarin.Forms pages for elements like icons in the action bar, etc? (FontAwesome ttf) How does ImageSource.FromResource method work? Does it handle multiple...
View ArticlePageRenderer for a WinRT app (not windows phone)
Is it possible to create a Xamarin.Forms PageRenderer for a Windows WinRT app page? I've looked for documentation or samples but haven't found any yet. This is the approach I've started with;...
View ArticleXamarin Forms STILL recycling images in ListView in latest release
So there have been previous threads on this, but images are STILL being recycled in the latest release of Xamarin Forms. So I use a single image on the left, that is downloaded from a URL. The listview...
View ArticleXamarin Forms extra spacing on TableView Switchcells
There is this unnecessary cells in every table section of my TableView. Does anyone know why and how to fix it?
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