FormsAppCompatActivity Tabbed Pages and OnAppearing Override
I have a Tabbed page that allows the user to access a web service API using a search function. The page displays the search results into a listview. When the page loads, I have the code below to clear...
View ArticleBarcode rendering with in my Xamarin.Forms app
Heyo, So I've seen a lot of posts where people need help scanning barcodes, but so far I've not seen any posts where people were having trouble rendering a barcode from a piece of data. Our app needs...
View ArticleWebView and authentication
I would like to pass an url to webview to display within a xamarin forms application. The url prompts the user for windows credentials, after they enter they will be taken to the end url source. (i.e....
View ArticleHow to generate WCF task-based operations
While walking through the Service Reference Settings I've noticed that the Generate task-based operations is disabled in my blank Xamarin-Forms application. I can select that option in a standard...
View ArticleUpdating to 1.5.1 and using AppCompat - Breaks Android LP & M
Hi, I just updated our android application to 1.5.1 and using AppCompatV7 using this article as a reference. The runs on KitKat but breaks when launching on Lollipop or Marshmallow. The stack trace as...
View Article[Guide + Code] Adding Pull To Refresh to Xamarin.Forms Android apps
I already posted about how you can do this on iOS with a custom TableViewRenderer, however last night I finally got it working on Android using the Support v4 SwipeRefreshLayout: Here is my blog post...
View ArticleHTML5 Javascript and CSS files inside Xamarin forms
I am writing a native cross platform application using Xamarin forms. But i need to have one page with a Web view to render an existing HTML5 page even thought other parts of the app are native.I have...
View Articlenavigation drawer hamburger button
The new stuff looks really nice! How would you go about creating a drawer layout like the one from the Android support library with the XAML layout? Can you? Is it in the pipeline if you can't?
View ArticleChange and control device orientation programmatically in Xamarin.forms
Hi, Is there any cross-platform way to change/control device/UI orientation programmatically in Xamarin.forms ? Suppose i an writing a cross-platform app using Xamarin.forms where i have 2 pages. After...
View ArticleERROR ITMS-90535: "Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key"
Hi All, While submitting my application to app store, I am receiving the following error when trying to submit my .ipa through Application Loader. ERROR ITMS-90535: "Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key....
View ArticleSqlite.Net multiple tables, connections?
The TODO sample works with only one table. Based on its code, it would seem that: A connection is requested for each table created. The connection is never closed. Evidently, there is a lot I don't...
View ArticleListview Selected Item Background Color
Is it possible to set the ListView selected item background color? Right now on IOS its gray and I want it to be transparent if possible.
View ArticlePUBLIC WARNING! Barcode scanning in Xamarin Forms
BACKGROUND: We are building a Xamarin Forms product that uses barcode scanning as a central function. In the early stages we decided not to buy a barcode scanning component, but use the free ZXing...
View ArticleCombine views between forms and native
Hello, I have one absolute layout with a button, slider and one image as a background. When I load the page I render it in each platform and add a UICollectionView in ios. The problem is that the...
View ArticlePCL dll could not be loaded from Android project (Xamarin.Forms)
Hi all, I am despairing....Since a while I am developing a Xamarin.Forms app. Mostly I check my newest code by starting the iOS app. Sometimes I start the Android version but I know that I am not that...
View ArticleIs it possible to reduce the space between the toolbarItems?
On iPhone 4, more than 4 elements (toolBarItems) cause that one of this overlaps the menu icon even if the space seems sufficient. I wouldn't use Order/Priority because this solution (on iPhone) takes...
View ArticleRelative Layout
How can change the UI position based on screen size in relative Layout? Am using the following code. public AccountsPage () { RelativeLayout rlv = new RelativeLayout (); Label lbl = new Label{...
View ArticleHow to set a page to the landscape orientation?
Hi, Is it possible to forcibly set a page to the landscape orientation in the Xamarin.Forms? I need to set the orientation of one single page of my application to landscape. My application works on...
View ArticleDisplay an image stored locally
Hello, I am trying to display an image stored locally under a PCL library and using Xamarin.Forms with in MyPage.xaml: < Image x:Name="MyImage" / > And code: InitializeComponent(); MyImage.Source...
View ArticleCustom Renderer setup to use control from Component store (RadialProgress)
Hi Could someone offer me a bit of help? I started using Xamarin today. I've extended a ListView to have extra spacing etc, and appear how I wanted it. That worked fine when I threw together a custom...
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