Setting Style for control (in custom renderer for Android)
How can I set a certain style to a control? Even though it's a XF project, I am only interested in the Android solution. The style of the control (lets say a Checkbox) is already defined in the Android...
View ArticleVideo plays only sound but no visual.
Good day, I'm developing an app with Xamarin.Forms and I'm trying to play a video. I have been googling for the past two days and almost every discussion has the same/similar possible solutions but...
View ArticleJson Web Tokens
Hello everyone, I'm searching around the net how I could decode a JWT token to fetch the expiration date in C#. Only I couldn't find many solutions / examples for Xamarin. I tried adding...
View ArticleHow to navigate from a UIViewController to a Forms ContentPage (with...
Hi, I need to navigate from a UIViewControllerPage to a Content page (with custom PageRenderer). I found this - and it is...
View ArticleHow do I remove the border on an Android Button with Material Design?
I recently updated my app based on the article on the blog about using Material Design in Xamarin.Forms. Everything is working great except that I am using a clear button in one of my designs to sit on...
View ArticleHow do I set the separator color for list view in Xamarin.Forms (Android)
When I'm using default background color for Page, I can able to see the separator color for list view. But when I'm using background color as white, I'm unable to see the separator color. How can I...
View ArticleCreating a WebView with a transparent background
I am trying to use a WebView to display an HTML string, but I would like the background Image of the entire application to be visible in the WebView. I understand to do so, I would need to create a...
View ArticleMy BindableProperty on custom control is called twice every time in my...
Hi folks, I have a BindableProperty in a custom control like so: public static readonly BindableProperty ShowIndeterminateProperty = BindableProperty.Create<CoreProgress, bool>( p =>...
View ArticleERROR: async pixel transfers not supported
Good afternoon, I'm new to Xamarin Development and I have a problem in my application. I'm using webView and always call When the page appears this error: "async pixel transfers not supported" Could...
View ArticleHelp for error : android no resource identifier found for attribute
Hello, I'm developing an application with Xamarin studio. After an upgrade of Xamarin (currently I have the version 5.9.8) I found this error in my code when I Build it: android no resource identifier...
View ArticleAndroid Video Player using Xamarin.Forms
I am trying to get a video player working in my Xamarin.Forms app on Android. I have implemented the iOS version using a ScrollViewRenderer where I add the MPMoviePlayerController (code at bottom, file...
View ArticleEntry control wrapping text
Is this possible? I have a long string of text I'd like to edit with a multi-line entry, but the text just goes offscreen and I can't find any wrapping options.
View ArticleXamarin.Forms VideoView showing black box or crashing
Currently we're working on a xamarin.forms videoplayer for android and ios. We're using this xamarin forum topic as a reference. The same black screen problem is present there as well but no solution...
View ArticleThe "XamlCTask" task failed unexpectedly.
Hello Team, I am facing this The "XamlCTask" task failed unexpectedly. problem after adding the xamarin.forms.maps package to my application. Waiting for your response.
View ArticleInvalidProgramException System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code
I use a Result object to be to handle both positive and negative results when querying my server side code in my: namespace GenerationLondon { public abstract class Result<E, S> { private...
View ArticleNo receiver allowed to receive at...
Hi, I am getting below error while checking manifest in GCM. I am using Xamarin.Forms, I have done this successfuly in Xamarin.Android app, I have added required permission what am I missing? No...
View ArticleWindows Phone pull to refresh not working when ListView has few items
We're using Xamarin Forms We have a page with a ListView that has pull to refresh enabled. For Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1, when the ListView doesn't have enough items to fit the screen...
View ArticleVS2015 / VS2013 / Windows 10 / thoughts? :-)
Hi folks, I see a lot of chatter online about the new 2015 and mobile apps additions - anyone read a nice article talking about what future options have become of all this? I bought VS2013 recently and...
View ArticleDisabled buttons are invisible on WinPhone 8.1 Silverlight
I have the following trigger for styling disabled button: <Style TargetType="Button"> <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#017A73" /> <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#fffefe"...
View ArticleXamarin.Mobile Geolocator wait for user confirmation
Hello everyone, I have the following code which runs nicely on iOS and Android. Although in iOS I would like to wait until the user hits either Allow or Don't allow location before firing the code. How...
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