Exception creating FragmentContainer when using AppCompat activity
My users are reporting this exception a lot: Managed exception: Unable to find the default constructor on type Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppCompat.FragmentContainer. Please provide the missing...
View ArticleListView Swipe Gestures left to right and right to left
Hello. I am trying to implement a ListView using Xamarin.Forms which supports swiping in 2 directions. right to left swipe -> offer a few custom actions right to left swipe -> offer a few custom...
View ArticleHow to save image to web server
I want to select an image using camera or from gallery and then want to save at my web server.
View ArticleDeployment failed. Architecture not supported.
Hi I am getting the below error while deploying.. The package does not support the device architecture (x86). You can change the supported architectures in the Android Build section of the Project...
View ArticleHow can we achieve RTL in Xamarin.Forms?
Hi , Please provide us the details regarding RTL in Xamarin.Forms.
View ArticleGoogle auth crashes application
I am using google auth through a webview in xamarin.forms [android app] and after the user authenticates, the application crashes, and i am unable to move forward. Here's a snippet of the code : public...
View ArticleCreating a new GestureRecognizer
Looking at the Xamarin.Forms Api tha you provide, there is only TapGestureRecognizer. I was thinking of implementing more GestureRecognizers. However, in the interface that you guy provide is using...
View ArticleNo toolbar buttons in landscape mode on any tablet
This is for FormsAppCompatActivity. You can see the buttons on the toolbar just fine in portrait mode: Now, in landscape: First, the buttons are not there any more. Second, the drawer button becomes an...
View ArticleHow to add a BackgroundServiceAgent to play mp3s in a Xam.Forms Windows Phone...
The right way to play audio in the background in Windows Phone 8 is pretty straightforward, but only if you start from a "Windows Phone Audio Playback Agent" template. Instructions from MSDN are here....
View ArticleFacebook Native Login Using Forms
Using the example in Facebook SDK package which is Android project (not Forms) I created a page renderer for facebook login. I got the facebook permission dialog open but no matter what I click, Cancel...
View ArticleINotifyPropertyChanged tutorial, no xaml?
I'm developing an application which uses timers to update the data in the views, but I think that this is greatly decreasing the performance. Is there a tutorial for INotifyPropertyChanged, which...
View ArticleXamarin Form Designer
I have a quick question about Xamarin forms. Is there a designer available for the Xamarin Forms (xaml)? If no, will there be one soon? Because I installed the latest version of Xamarin Studio and...
View ArticleHow to fix 'NaN is not a valid value for height'
I'm trying to create a Grid Layout. I can't find any "Template" option for when binding to a ViewModel, so I'm trying to hand roll this thing. Here's my XML <ScrollView x:Name="ModuleScrolLView"...
View ArticleFull page TableView
Hi there, I'm trying to build something like a blogpost View within Xamarin forms. It consits of some Labels on top, below that a WebView and under the WebView I would like to have a listview of...
View ArticleHow can I access Navigation from within a ViewCell?
Let's say that I have a custom ViewCell for a ListView, where each cell contains a button. When a user clicks that button I'd like to be able to push a new page onto the navigation stack. The problem...
View ArticleWebView size/visualization problem
Hello, For the past couple of days I've been trying to make a WebView in my Xamarin.Forms project behave the way I want it to. Sadly without success... So any help would be appreciated. The scenario: I...
View ArticleXamarin.auth crash.
Hi everybody. I am trying to use xamarin.auth in a cross-platform application through a pageRendered and it connects with Facebook fine, but when come back, it crash. This is the call to the...
View ArticlePublishing android app using VS 2015 or Xamarin Studio 5.9?
Hello, I am a fan of Xamarin Studio with regards to the Android specifics but, it I would like to ask some inputs as well if which is the better tool for creating an android package? What are your...
View ArticleCreate download link call web api.
Create download link in which file is on server.Write Web Api Lokk Like this But it does not work. [AllowAnonymous] [Route("GetApp")] [HttpGet] public HttpResponseMessage GetApp(string AppId) { var app...
View ArticleHow to implement a Pop Up window in Xamarin Forms?
Is there a way to implement a Pop Up window in Xamarin Forms where you can put images, label, etc. and dynamic? Especially in a Map? Is there any generic implementation. Let me know. Sample code would...
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