Restart a Xamarin.Forms activity
Is it possible to restart a Xamarin.forms activity ? I found an answer for just Android in the link below
View ArticleXamarin forms and xamarin native UI mix
Is it possible to mix xamarin forms and native UI into an application. Example use xamarin forms for simple ui and use native ui for complex ui. Thanks
View ArticleXF.iOS & XF.Droid Error: Symbol file doesn't match assembly
Error executing task XamlCTaskL Symbol file '.../obj/Debug/MyProject.ddl.mdb' does not match assembly What is this error? I deleted both bin and obj directories, cleaned the project and tried to...
View ArticleError initializing a new XAML Page
Hey guys! So after a bit of study I decided to test a simple application from Xamarin Studio, so I made 4 XAML pages and tried to run the app in the emulator. The problem is I always get the following...
View ArticleWrapping text in a tabbed page label
I have 3 tabs and the last tab the title does not show completely. Is there a way to expand the width of the tab label? Or to wrap the text? ` <TabbedPage.ToolbarItems WidthRequest="150">...
View ArticleListView LongPress Exception
Using android galaxy s3. I have a listview for which the datatemplate is a textcell. If I have no contextmenu items defined, and press on multiple list items, it throws an exception and the app...
View ArticleIs it feasible to nest an XLabs RepeaterView inside a RepeaterView?
I would like to achieve the above. At present and can use the RepeaterView in XAML just fine, it's an excellent addition, thank you XLabs. Now I would like to nest another RepeaterView within the...
View Articledropdown iOS / Android github iOS and Android dropdown for Forms. Android: AppCompatSpinner iOS: custom UIView, UITableView, UITableViewSource
View ArticleCreating a new GestureRecognizer
Looking at the Xamarin.Forms Api tha you provide, there is only TapGestureRecognizer. I was thinking of implementing more GestureRecognizers. However, in the interface that you guy provide is using...
View ArticlePossible to disable row animation in ListView using Xamarin.Forms?
I have a Xamarin.Forms ListView with pull-to-refresh enabled. On iOS, the default animation used when rows are inserted just doesn't look right - rows animate in a seemingly random order. I'd like to...
View ArticleUsing ListView to display a scrollable list of images
HI Guys, Using the APITron component to render pdfs into a list of images, one row per page. Using a grouped ListView to display, each group is a page, with the header as the page number. What is...
View ArticleHow can I use FontAwesome icons in the NavigationPage?
I am still quite new to Xamarin Forms and I was wondering if it is possible to use FontAwesome icons in the NavigationPage. I have found a way in iOS to use FontAwesome icons in the toolbar items using...
View ArticleMasterDetailPage inside NavigationPage not showing Hamburger Icon
When I deploy my Forms application on Android, I see the Hamburger menù correctly, but when I deploy on iOS I cannot see the hamburgher menù image. The image is in the "resources" folder with...
View ArticleWhy the phone's status bar looks different only in my forms app?
Hello, One customer complained the my app changes the looks of the status bar that he doesn't like. Why is that so? Here are the 2 pictures: Normal iPhone 6s Status Bar Status bar when using my app Why...
View ArticleHow to use Spinner in Xamarin Forms
I want to use android Spinner in Xamarin Forms application. How can I do that?
View ArticleFormatted Label with Xamarin.Forms
Can someone please show me how to use Xamarin.Forms.Label.FormattedText correctly? I'm using Xamarin.Forms to write a Carousel based app, when I try Label IntroductionTextLabel = new Label();...
View ArticleAsync ImageSource in SetBinding
Hi, I have a ListView that is bind to an ObservableCollection. Each item in the list has property "Path" with a url for an image. I've already set the bindings through the DataTemplate. Is there a way...
View ArticleSetting ContentPage Icon
I wanted to display an icon for an App on the next to the Title - ideally on the LHS. I attempted to modify petzold's toolbar demo as follows, but... no cigar. No icon is displayed on the Title/toolbar...
View ArticleAnimated gif in Image view
I've tried multiple gif files, with no luck Their first frame can be rendered correctly, but does not animate Will animated gif be supported? Or do we have to implement ourselves? What other image...
View ArticlePopToRootAsync iOS error
Hi! I'm trying to close two windows in the same instruction. In Android PopToRootAsync works perfectly, but in iOS the app crashes. The error says: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be...
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