Problem with binding
Hi there, I've a small problem regarding binding. I have a ViewModel with 2 properties: ObservableCollection Comments and string Title. My listview looks as following: <ListView x:Name="listView"...
View ArticleEntry name in code behind
Hello! Quick question : when creating an Entry in code behind, is there anyway to give it a name or and id in order to access it later? Example: Entry input = new Entry (); input.BackgroundColor =...
View ArticleError initializing a new XAML Page
Hey guys! So after a bit of study I decided to test a simple application from Xamarin Studio, so I made 4 XAML pages and tried to run the app in the emulator. The problem is I always get the following...
View Article"Install 'Android Support Library' available in SDK installer" error doesn't...
It appears my issue is different from what I found earlier threads in these forums. My issue is in Android project of Xamarin Froms app run from Xamarin Studio on Windows machine. I started getting it...
View ArticleCreate a File Chooser (upload) in Xamarin.Forms
Hi guys, i'd like to create a file chooser (file upload) in Xamarin.Forms but i don't find nothing. Do you have a solution? Thanks a lot.
View ArticleIssue with Xamarin.Forms, IsVisible Binding when in AbsoluteLayout
In XAML: <AbsoluteLayout> <ContentView IsVisible="{Binding IsContentVisible}" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0,0,1,1" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All"> <Image Source="SomeImage" />...
View ArticleTabbedPage inside Sidebar Navigation causes tab selection problems
Hi. I'm using a TabbedPage inside the Sidebar Navigation component from Jack Dehlin. Unfortunately the tab bar items only recognize long press gestures and no short taps. Does anyone know this problem...
View ArticleProper way to create renderer for WebView in iOS
I am using below code for WebViewRenderer in iOS public class WebViewPageRenderer : WebViewRenderer { protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e) {...
View ArticleProper way to create renderer for WebView in iOS
I am using below code for WebViewRenderer in iOS public class WebViewPageRenderer : WebViewRenderer { protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e) {...
View ArticleError compiling Xamarin.Forms Portable app in Visual Studio 2015
Hi, I have an error compiling Xamarin.Forms Portable app in Visual Studio 2015. Everything was working until upgraded the Xamarin.Forms package using Nuget from version to version...
View ArticleImportant notice to iOS HybridWebView users
In the latest pre packages the iOS version is now using WKWebView instead of UIWebView. This is because the callbacks from WKWebView are easier and more robust. There is a bug in WKWebView which...
View ArticleUnfinished things in Xamarin forms, please change roadmap attitude
Hello, I used forms at the end of last year and it's a good idea but many things still prof of concepts and remain unfinished. The next examples are from the end of last year so if I'm wrong, please...
View Articlelistview item bug?
Why line listview item can not be closed, the left is always less part of it, on the right is correct? xamarin.froms
View ArticleXamarin Forms Video github
iOS / Android Xamarin Forms Video Player (updated) download the zip file. samples attached.
View ArticleConsume Self Signed SSL based WCF Service
Hi All, I have created a valid Self Signed certificate on my local machine and I can access the webservice through browser. However, I am getting the following exception when consuming on Xamarin.forms...
View ArticleHide title bar in Android 4.3 (Api 18) with xlabs
Hello, In the Android part I am trying to hide the title bar. For API 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 I have a theme with this item : <item name="android:actionBarSize">0dp</item> For API 16,...
View Articlehow to dynamically move objects (buttons, images, ...)
How can I dynamically move an object like a button or image in Xamarin forms? Currently, I've got a relative layout, and when an event occurs, I remove the objects from the layout and then add them...
View ArticleYour experiences with update to Win10 + VS2015…?
Hi all I work with Win 8.1 and VS2013 Update 2 and XF 1.4.4 “stable” and XLabs right now. On the base of various reasons, I have to update to Windows 10 and VS2015 in the near time. As we develop also...
View ArticleIssue with RelativeLayout in iOS
Hi, This piece of code works like a charm in Android but it doesn't in iOS. The ListView is positioned at the top of RelativeLayout instead of below the Stacklayout. If i remove the StackLayout, then...
View ArticleDoes not work
Just downloaded and installed xamarin studio on windows 10. Tried to create new forms application with all defaults. Fails to build and run. Xamarin sucks.
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