Getting an Exception while using Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Charting
I'm using the following code for displaying the bar chart and Line chart in single chart using System; using Xamarin.Forms; using Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Charting.Controls; namespace BarChart { public class...
View ArticleHow to show the data in Bar chart, Column Chart and Line Charts using...
I want to show the data in Bar chart, Column chart and Line charts using Xamarin.Forms. How can I achieve this one.?
View ArticleHow to Add Button Controls and perform Click events
Hi, How do we add button dynamically in a MonoMac Project and perform Click events.I want to write the code in cs file.i am not getting the button displayed even though i add a button programatically....
View ArticleSignature Pad for Xamarin.Forms
View ArticleAndroid ImageRenderer
Hi, I have the below code. I tried many way of doing it but basically it's like SetImageBitmap doesn't change the image once it's been displayed not matter if it's called again. I mean the first...
View ArticleXamarin iOS Notifications (Dependency Service)
Hi, I have a really weird problem, I hope you can help me. I am implementing notifications in a Xamarin.Forms project, working in both android and iOS platform. To do so, I have to use Dependency...
View ArticleAdding Google Map to MasterDetailPage causes rendering issues
I have the following MainActivity.cs class: Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle); Xamarin.FormsMaps.Init(this, bundle); FormsAppCompatActivity.ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.toolbar;...
View ArticleDeployment failed because of an internal error: Failure...
hi guys, My application was never installed to my samsung devices at all. Why I was using VS and Xamarin Studio always popup this dialog and can't be installed to the device at all. Deployment failed...
View ArticleApplication.Current.Properties dont work in Xamarin 2.0
Hi! Today I have updated my project and Application.Current.Properties dont work correctly. I could save value and read it while my app running, but is i stop and run agarin,...
View ArticleGooglePlayServicesLib.dll assembly not found - Upgrading Forms Android project
Trying to update to the latest version of Forms / Play Services in my Android app, but when I do I get the error above. I see no references to the old all in one GooglePlayServicesLib anywhere in my...
View Article[] [BUG] [Android] RemovePage() and then pressing back == broken page.
I've got this bizarre behavior that appears to only be happening on Android. Given the following block, if I'm asking my navigation to Replace the current page, I push the new page (viewing the pretty...
View ArticleXLabs radio button not show in xamrin.IOS
Dear, I'm using the radio button from xlabs. Its working find in my android project. But its not show in my IOS project. No error at all. Just not show the radio button. XLabs.Forms version is 2.0.5782...
View ArticleCustom renderer for Android Map like iOS map
Ok i have the following Map that need a custom renderer for Android and iOS: public class MapViewModel : Map { public static readonly BindableProperty LocationsProperty =...
View ArticleXamarin.form elements are not rendering in android platform
I derived a class from StackLayout public class MyTestPage : StackLayout { public MyTestPage() { this.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "test" }); } } Also I wrote a custom ViewRenderer in android as...
View ArticleNo IOS simulator or device appear on Visual Studio
I'm with business account on build server and visual studio My build host is connected: On diagnose, just the last step isn't pass, is "out dated" The IOS project is the start up project. The...
View ArticleWindows Phone: Custom font
I have a custom font for an arrow (">") that does not quite work on Windows Phone, but works on both iPhone and Android. Here is the code: public class SymbolLabel : Label { }; var arrowLabel = new...
View ArticleHow to hide out a StackLayout in ViewCell?
Dear friends, I have a custom class derived from ViewCell,my code as followed: class QilingViewCell:ViewCell { public QilingViewCell() { Image image = new Image { HorizontalOptions =...
View ArticleHow to set a xamarin semi background in forms
Hi, I have an application which has a menu option. The menu has to be implemented with a semitransparent background. Is there any way I can do it on xamarin forms.
View ArticleiOS alert message inside webview not dismissing after clicking close
I am loading url in webview, which has file upload to upload images. If image size is big, then following error message is shown: Not accepted file size or file size is too much after that I click OK...
View ArticleWP8 and NGraphics give an error
After XForms updates to 2.0 version WP8 project count't be compiled, error: Cannot resolve dependency to assembly 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WP8, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'...
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