The "xamlCTask" task has been declared or used incorrectly
The "XamlCTask" task could not be instantiated from "C:\"MyPath"\Documents\Visual Studio...
View ArticleXamlC errors on event callbacks in a DataTemplate, expected?
Normally doing this is fine in Xaml: <controls:FooBar> <controls:FooBar.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Image> <Image.GestureRecognizers> <TapGestureRecognizer...
View ArticleFreshMVVM and XLabs
Hi together, I’m currently implementing an app with Xamarin.Forms for all three platforms. Looks good so far using FreshMvvm-Framework. For having some extras in the app (geolocation, calendar, a...
View ArticleUnable to debug Xamarin Forms - Android. What settings control debugging?
Hi, I upgraded to XF 1.5.1 and I have a number of packages installed but I doubt they are causing any issues. I am not able to debug the application when I deployed to my Nexus 6. It runs as if in...
View ArticleXamarin forms application runs twice.
I have a problem with my Xamarin Forms application. Every time i start the android solution, App() constructor gets called twice. I "fixed" this by making the app entrypoint a singleton. But every...
View ArticleAccess Xamarin Forms Layout (Frame) in Android
Hi, i have a question. I'm working on an application which provides UI with Xamarin forms. Now i want to show a toolbar or a dialog with dynamic contents (based on other circumstances) in my...
View ArticleSetting ListView selectedItem to null throws an exception on WP 8.1
I have a page with a listview, when you press the row it takes you to a detail page. When you navigate back you should get the same list without a selected item. If I don't set the selectedItem to...
View ArticleHow to make a HTTP Request to Get XML Data
Hi there Sorry for such a simple question, but i'm quite new to Xamarin.Forms How can i make a simple HTTP Request to get XML or JSON data? Regards
View ArticleHow do I get navigation bar height for iOS?
I managed to get the Status Bar height using the following code. I placed the code in AppDelegate.cs and it works. It returns 20pt as expected. App.StatusBarHeight =...
View ArticleIs it possible to combine Native screens + Xamarin.Forms?
Hello friends, I'm about to start a new project, and I'm wondering if Xamarin 1.4.x is mature enough to start a really serious project, or do you still suggest to go via Native screens and resources....
View ArticleMR.Gestures handles ALL touch gestures
With MR.Gestures you can handle the Tapping, Tapped, DoupleTapped, LongPressing, LongPressed, Panning, Panned, Swiped, Pinching, Pinched, Rotating and Rotated gestures on all layouts, cells, views and...
View ArticleHow to use Material Design Toolbar in Android when building app with Xamarin...
There are tutorials on how to create the newer action bar in Xamarin Android, but I am not able to reproduce the toolbar when creating an app with Xamarin Forms. Somehow it just doesn't work for me. My...
View ArticleSet font attributes to "Light, Ultralight" and so on.
I have included some custom fonts, but I would like to use "Light, Ultralight, Medium, Black" and so on. The font attributes only support "Bold" and "Italic", How can I choose other attributes?
View ArticleError when building sln: Cannot copy "Xamarin.Forms.Core.dll" to bin
I get all these timeouts when I attempt to build my solution: Error Could not copy "C:\Users\my_user_name\Documents\Visual Studio...
View ArticleNotifications / Toasts with Xamarin.Forms
Hi, does Xamarin.Forms implement a default way to put notifications to the platforms notification-centers? I'd like to send a message to the user if the app is running in background. Thanks for ideas,...
View ArticleWebView not showing after loading on Absolute and Relative Layout
Hi, I'm trying to show an ActivityIndicator until my webpage finish to load the content. The problem is that the page does not renderer the webview after the content is ready. If the only content of...
View ArticleGet current Uri from HybridWebView
Hi I would like access to the actual Uri of either HybridWebView. I need it to watch for a certain url pattern during redirecting. The Uri property of HybridWebViewdoes not seem to ge updated when...
View ArticleImage in Grid is ignoring WidthRequest and HeightRequest since Xamarin Forms 2.0
I have an image inside a Grid on a Listview. Since I updated to Xamarin Forms 2.0 the render is ignoring WidthRequest and HeightRequest `readonly Label Message = new Label () { VerticalOptions =...
View ArticleHow to use platform Idiom in Xaml
Although I can do the following in code, I want to do it in Xaml: if (Xamarin.Forms.Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone) { MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MyPage()); } else...
View ArticleSaving to Photo Gallery/Camera Roll/etc
Hi folks, First off, I the possibility exists that I am old, tired, and can't read, but the possibility exists that I am also not any of these things. Do we have a cross-platform component to save to...
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