InitializeComponent does not exist
Hi, I'm having difficulties on XAML files in a Sheared project. Using Xamarin Studio; What I did was simply adding a xaml page to the project and build without adding any code. And it gives me the "The...
View ArticleAccess Xamarin Forms Layout (Frame) in Android
Hi, i have a question. I'm working on an application which provides UI with Xamarin forms. Now i want to show a toolbar or a dialog with dynamic contents (based on other circumstances) in my...
View ArticleCustom Property Issue
Hi All, I am having some issues when creating a bindable property. I am working with the forms map control and I am wanting to bind Pins in MVVM(I may be going about this wrong but its worth a shot) I...
View ArticlePlease help me resolve align control problem
Hi all. Today i've create a page with layout like as below : I have a StackLayout with these options : Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,...
View ArticleSetting button background color removes material design touch feedback
How do i set the background of a button but still keep the touch feedback from android material design? <Button x:Name="login" Text="LOGIN" TextColor="White" BackgroundColor="Teal"...
View ArticleXamarin Forms 1.3 Triggers Bug
I’ve been playing with Xamarin Forms 1.3 new features to see what I can do with them and found a bug using Style Triggers in Xaml. I’ve discovered that things are ok until you add more than one Trigger...
View ArticleNew Xamarin.Forms Guide: Custom Renderers
Xamarin.Forms user interfaces are rendered using the native controls of the target platform, allowing Xamarin.Forms applications to retain the appropriate look and feel for each platform. Custom...
View ArticleWorking with referenced tables
Hi Guys, lets say i have a relation between an Invoice and an Customer. Now when the user creates a new invoice - there should be an entry field "Customer" - the field should be readonly - when...
View ArticleUI Testing: search for elements "marked" with a string but ignore case and...
Currently, when I use app.Tap I have to give it the exact string. I want to do something like app.Tap("sstring") and still match elements marked with e.g. "somessting", "someSStRing", etc. is it...
View ArticleUsing MVVM, maps and locations in xamarin forms
I have been struggling with this for weeks now and am thoroughly frustrated. Is there not an easy to follow sample project that shows how to use xamarin forms MVVM with maps and location functionality?...
View ArticleCachedImage FFImageLoading for Xamarin.Forms or (new Forms features) DEMO:...
View ArticleAndroid VideoView Renderer Back Button
Hey guys, I have a Xamarin.Forms app with an Android PageRenderer used to stream a m3u8 video. The renderer displays the video (after a small delay for buffering) as expected. The issue I'm running...
View ArticleAuto Complete using Xamarin Forms in C#
Hi, I am trying to create a AutoComplete Text Entry using Xamarin Forms. Can anybody help me in creating a custom renderer for the auto complete text field in C#. I am using MVVM concept.
View ArticleXamarin Facebook iOS SDK how to handle success login?
Hi I'm using the Xamarin Facebook iOS SDK Component... When I log in I'm asking for permissions and getting the token... But I would like to do somethings after the user successfully login. How can I...
View ArticlePrism and Navigation
Hello! I would like to use Prism.Forms in my app. I can register Container.RegisterTypeForNavigation<Page1, Page1ViewModel>(); for navigation. But I cant find how to use cache during navigation....
View ArticleIntellisense issues with XAML based views in PCL using any version...
I created a Xamarin.Forms PCL project in Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise and added some views, viewmodels, etc and everything seemed to be fine. The project template seems to come with Xamarin.Forms...
View ArticleBuilding Release Version Fails (The "LinkAssemblies" task failed unexpectedly.)
After adding XLabs' NuGet packages (Core, Platform, Serialization, IoC, Forms, and Forms.Charting), I have been getting the following error when I try to build a release version: C:\Program Files...
View ArticleHow to overcome deploy clearing Application.Current.Properties on Android?
During development, I am repeatedly building and deploying to physical devices for testing. On iOS devices, even when I re-build and re-deploy, the values previously stored using...
View ArticleYour experiences with update to Win10 + VS2015…?
Hi all I work with Win 8.1 and VS2013 Update 2 and XF 1.4.4 “stable” and XLabs right now. On the base of various reasons, I have to update to Windows 10 and VS2015 in the near time. As we develop also...
View ArticleXamarin Forms DatePicker control Make visible without clicking anything
Hi, is there any way to show Date/Time picker. during the page starting itself. i mean without pressing any control ? Is that possible ?
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