Forms frame isn't the same on iOS
I was using Xamarin Forms to create Android version with frames without any custom renderer of frame, it's fine. But when I use it on iOS, all frames are shadowed and separated to each other, it's...
View ArticleWebView content cut off vertically on iOS but not Android
In a tabbed app, one of my tabs contains a single WebView that I load with an HTML string read from a file. The HTML is super simple - just headings and paragraphs. On Android, everything is fine, but...
View ArticleHow to download Xamarin 4.0 update on a Windows 10 machine using VS2015?
I get update notification, but clicking it doesn't do anything. There is no update option anywhere. I am not talking about Xamarin.Forms updates to installed packages. Tried to download the update...
View ArticleLoading a Forms application in Windows Phone 8.1 without LoadApplication
We're working on an application for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8.1. Due to some problems with the default LoadApplication we had to use some different methods to load the Forms app on Android and...
View ArticleWhats the best way to create a mobile service that pulls data from a database...
Hello I am working on a mobile app that needs to display data from a database in the mobile app the only issue I'm having is that the database is behind a firewall and we don't want thousands of mobile...
View ArticlePage's visible property works wrongly on iOS
I was using this property on Android to save time to load my pageview (I have many page which are opened from a parent page, like chatbox is opened from chat history). It was working fine on Android,...
View ArticleYour experiences with update to Win10 + VS2015…?
Hi all I work with Win 8.1 and VS2013 Update 2 and XF 1.4.4 “stable” and XLabs right now. On the base of various reasons, I have to update to Windows 10 and VS2015 in the near time. As we develop also...
View ArticleHow to block Application restart when using barcode scan on...
Hi, I am using Zxing.Mobile barcode for scanning and setting Autorotate option to false. But on click of Cancel button in camera it restarts the application in Higher versions(Android 5.1.0). My code...
View ArticleThrow a local notification from shared code project that goes to another view...
I have defined a service interface that allows throwing a local UI notification with the following interface: public interface ILocalNotificationService { void CreateLocalNotification(); } This service...
View ArticleInitializeComponent
My Mobile PCL project lists "The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context" in the Error List but the output windows indicates that build was successful. How is this issue...
View ArticleGet data object inside of a ViewCell
I'm creating a customized ViewCell. i.e: public class ContributionItemCell : ViewCell and I'm looking to change the value of a label based on the value of the item selected inside of the parent...
View ArticleGrial UI Kit for Xamarin Forms
Hi everybody! Just wanted to share with you our first Xamarin Forms User Interface Kit. And hear what you think about it Please check it out Thanks everybody!
View ArticleHow to intercept Navigation Bar Back Button Clicked in Xamarin Forms?
I have a xamarin forms page where the user can update some data in a form. I need to intercept the Navigation Bar Back Button Clicked to warn the user if some data have not been saved.How to do it? I'm...
View ArticleCrash 'NaN is not a valid value for height' on physical device after pull to...
After testing my Xamarin.Forms app in IOS simulator for a while, I started to do so on a physical device. On simulator it works without any problem, but on my IPhone 6 a very strange exception crashes...
View Articlemasked entry *Android*
just adding a control I made for Xamarin Forms. still in beta testing but seems to work ok on Android. just giving back for all the great code I have seen from github projects....
View ArticleHorizontal ListView / Carousel View PCL
Hi folks! I was wondering if there is any control out there to have a Horitzontal listview or a CarouselView for PCL? I was implementing but...
View ArticleAdding Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Ads & Xamarin.Forms.Maps to Xamarin.Forms...
I am using the latest version of Xamarin.forms and when I add Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Ads & Xamarin.Forms.Maps to the project I get the following errors: Attribute "imageAspectRationAdjust" has...
View ArticleCompiled XAML - Exception thrown with AbsoluteLayout containing AutoSize...
After enabling XAML compilation, I get the following exception when I load a page that contains an AboluteLayout with children whose LayoutBounds use AutoSize:...
View ArticleIntellisense issues with XAML based views in PCL using any version...
I created a Xamarin.Forms PCL project in Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise and added some views, viewmodels, etc and everything seemed to be fine. The project template seems to come with Xamarin.Forms...
View ArticleError Code CS0117: Resource does not contain a definition for Animation - on...
I get this error while updating NuGet package Xamarin.Forms from v1.5.1.6471 to v2.0.0.6490. Why is it occurring? What is the resolution?
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