ToolBar Icon image size for Android and iOS devices
Hi Xamarin teams, Could you please suggest me a solution for ToolBar Icon image size for devices (Android and iOS). I have worried about the different size of ToolBar icon Image in different device. I...
View ArticleHow to imlement an autosizing Image menu
Hi, I'm just starting with Xamarin.Forms, so that I need some basic help. I want to have the main menu of my app based on a list of images. My first approach was to embedd the images into a Stacklayout...
View ArticleDynamic binding is not working while setting the dynamic expando object to...
Dynamic binding is not working in Xamarin.Forms. I have created a dynamic expando object with one property “Name” and assigned value for the property. I have created a new label and bind the expando...
View ArticleLook what I made over last weekend, SliderView!!!!
Hey Forms Community! I was hacking around last weekend to make some kind of SliderView that I could use instead of a CarouselPage. I wanted to share this with the community in the hopes that it will...
View ArticleApp only runs when emulator is in sleep mode first
Hi all, I am working on a small Xamarin.Forms webview application. This is a follow up question to the one answered on Stackoverflow xamarin-forms-making-webview-go-back So I have a toolbar and a back...
View ArticlePicker firing event SelectedIndexChanged on iOS too early
I've been trying to use Forms Picker and it looks like it has different behavior on Android/Windows Phone and on iOS. On iOS event...
View ArticleIconize plugin for Xamarin.Forms - Easily add icon fonts to your projects
I have just published to nuget and github a series of plugins to easily add icon fonts to your projects. Currently only Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Forms (minus WinPhone) are supported....
View ArticleRetrieving logs from a failed iOS deploy
I am using VS2015 and a Mac build host to create an iOS app. I have an older iPhone 4 I want to deploy to. "Launch Failed. The app 'MyApp' could not be launched on 'Old iPhone 4'. Please check the log...
View ArticleInitializeComponent
My Mobile PCL project lists "The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context" in the Error List but the output windows indicates that build was successful. How is this issue...
View ArticleHandling a file, "Open with" or "Share" options
Hi, I have an application that needs to handle different kind of files (Images,Videos,PDF,DOC,etc). Now I'd like to have a list that contains different kind of files. When I select a voice i'd like to...
View ArticleHow to select multiple images from gallery from both android and iOS device?
Hello, I am working on xamarin.forms app. I am creating the app for android and iOS. I need to open the gallery and select multiple images from gallery of devices. How I can do this in xamarin.forms...
View ArticleRemove Event Listeners from ContentPage
Hi there We add controls and events in constructor of ContentPage, so where we remove listeners? Thanks
View ArticleImage Cropping and Rotating
I'm looking for a good way to crop and rotate images cross platform. The most important being iOS and Android. To crop the images I wanted to be able to implement a pinch zoom and pan type gestures to...
View ArticleAdding padding to Hamburger Menu Icon
We are using the master detail page to implement navigation drawer hamburger menu.Now we are styling the action bar in a native way using a theme. <style name="CustomActionBarTheme"...
View ArticlePrevent Modal being closed with Android Hardware button
Hello everyone, as stated in the title I would like to prevent the Android Hardware Back button to close a specific modal on the navigation stack. The modal get's called like: await...
View ArticleEdittext monetario
They know how to create a monetary EditText? Format it by clicking? So I tried and did not work -> EditText Valor = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.EditTxtVlr600); Valor.AfterTextChanged +=...
View ArticleRemoving Tab Text on Android using FormsAppCompatActivity
I follow the @JamesMontemagno 's post about the implementation of Material in Android Apps using Xamarin.Forms 2.0 (So, I'm using FormsAppCompatActivity). Everything went ok, until adding a TabbedPage...
View ArticleDisable specific cell's contextactions in ListView
I was wondering if there's a way to individually enable / disable the contextactions for given cells. I haven't found this mentioned anywhere.
View Articleruntime binding errors
Where does xamarin studio log the runtime XAML binding errors? When I worked with VS, years ago, the binding errors were in the output window.
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