MVVM Best Practices
Hi guys, I'm trying to build my app using MVVM. When it comes to displaying data, everything goes well, I have a Page with its View Model and a number of Views which share the same ViewModel where all...
View ArticleCustomer Renderer View Dimensions
Hi All, I'm currently writing a custom renderer, in order to display a video control on a ContentPage. The basics of the player are working - however, I'm unable to find any documentation/guidance on...
View ArticleListView inside StackLayout: a height problem
In a ContentPage I have a ListView inside a StackLayout inside a ScrollView. The ListView is populated (ItemSource is set) in the ContentPage when OnAppearing gets called and I can see that the list is...
View ArticleHow to view images from Asset Catalog Image Set
Hi, I want to back ground images for specific pages, I want to add the images in Asset Catalog Image Set, how to do that. to add these images for each scale, iphone 4, 5, 6, 6 plus,... Thanks
View ArticleTransparent Background Image in ContentPage
Hi, I've set a background image to my application and it is transparent image. but when i running my app on simulator, i'm seeing some black color on top of my application. please look into the...
View ArticleCorrect place to store things securely
I'm doing some work with azure mobile services which requires me to store both an application key, and also cache user authentication information locally (not passwords, just a token). Is there a...
View ArticleStripeView in Xamarin Forms
I did a little research and it seems braintree and stripe are suitable for app payments. braintree has no official xamarin bindings but there's a Stripe component by Xamarin for Android and iOS. is it...
View ArticleAzure Mobile Services with Javascript and not .Net, why???
I notice that most if not all of the articles about Xamarin Forms using Azure Mobile Services say to use the "Javascript" setup and not the ".Net". Is there any reason why "Javascript" over ".Net"? Is...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms and Azure Mobile Service Error
Hi, I use Windows10, VS2015 Enterprice, Xamarin.Forms Portable Project. If I add Mobile Service Project without Azure hosting in Xamarin.Forms Portable Solution - everything works good. If I add Mobile...
View ArticleForcing page orientation change dynamically
This one is giving me a headache. I don't think there is an XForms API to set page orientation (sad), so it needs to be done device-specific way. Is there a third-party API to force page orientation...
View ArticleXAMLC and VisualStudio 2015
Hi All, I have a strange problem trying to use XAML compilation in existing Xamarin.Forms project. I have added [assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)] directive into...
View ArticleiOS: EntryCell showing incorrect keyboard after scrolling down to another...
Hi guys, Easy one to replicate, I have a page that contains numerous cells, 2 text entry cells at the top, a few switches, some custom controls, and further down the page another entry cell with...
View ArticleHow to set row height of a list view cell based on the screen width
I have an app where i'm trying to display images in a list view. It's one image per row but i want the image to goacross the whole width of the screen so I need it to get larger / smaller depending on...
View ArticleCustom renderer for Picker
Hi, I'm really new to Xamarin and Xamarin Forms as well, so maybe it's a stupid question: I'm trying to implement my own renderer for Xamarin.Forms.Picker, I'm starting from Custom renderers example. I...
View ArticleBindableProperty of ImageSource type raises PropertyChanged twice in custom...
In custom views, when using ImageSource bindable properties, the PropertyChanged is raised twice! It can lead to major performance issues in custom controls using images. Output: !!! HomeViewModel...
View ArticleDefine the "click area" of ActionBar in MasterDetailPage
I've implemented MasterDetailPage in a project and ran into an issue quickly. As shown in the screenshot below, the master page hides and shows itself when I touched within the red border area, instead...
View ArticleHow to get Azure Mobile Services SQLiteStore working on Windows Phone using...
My app is happily using both "Azure Mobile Services SQLiteStore" and "Windows Azure Mobile Services" in the Android and iOS builds. However, I have wasted rather a lot of hours trying to get the same...
View ArticleHow to remove the BackgroundImage of a Page ?
Hi, I want to conditionally set the Background Image of the page... I am facing a problem where, once i set the background image to a page, i cannot remove it.. i can only change it.. please advice how...
View ArticleXamarin Forms 1.3 Behavior Binding Bug
I have been playing with the new Bahavior class in 1.3 and discovered a bug when using Binding on a BindableProperty. I created the following behavior to allow an ItemsSource and an ItemTemplate to be...
View ArticleHow to add checkbox control in XAML
Hi, I want to add Checkbox control in Xaml page. I added below code in .Xaml page. <CheckBox Margin="10, 10, 3, 3" Name="acceptPolicy" Content = "Accept our policy" FontSize="12"...
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