Crash on start
Hi all - I've just updated a project I've worked on for a while to the latest XF build as well as updated all the project packages. Now when I start the app on the simulator, everything works fine, but...
View ArticleUpdating to Forms 2.0.0 throws Layout cycle detected. Layout could not...
Updating to Forms 2.0.0 throws Layout cycle detected. Layout could not complete exception in WindowsPhone and WinRT. In Android and iOS, I dont experience any crash, but it makes a strange behavior to...
View ArticleInvalid value for 'TargetFrameworkVersion'
I'm trying to build my app and the following error Invalid value for ' TargetFrameworkVersion ' Anyone know WHAT siguinifica and how to troubleshoot ?
View ArticleUriImageSource and authentication headers
How can I add authentication headers to the HttpClient that downloads the images (UriImageSource)? Outside of implementing custom image source is there a way to authenticate the HttpClient that XF uses...
View ArticleImage compression in xamarin.forms
MediaFile result = await mediaPicker.TakePhotoAsync ( new CameraMediaStorageOptions { DefaultCamera = CameraDevice.Rear, }); Image CaptureImage = new Image { HeightRequest = 35, WidthRequest = 35,...
View ArticleRenderers in Separate projects not working?
(PCL, XForm 1.3.1) We have many apps. To handle this we have a common project for IOS and a common project for Android apps. See Screenshot. If we put a Renderer in the Common IOS project, it is...
View ArticleMySql Connection
Hello guys, I would like to know if it is possible to create one class on my PCL project that connects to a MySQL DB and makes some operations. I want this class to be static and to be used by both...
View ArticleMR.Gestures handles ALL touch gestures
With MR.Gestures you can handle the Tapping, Tapped, DoupleTapped, LongPressing, LongPressed, Panning, Panned, Swiped, Pinching, Pinched, Rotating and Rotated gestures on all layouts, cells, views and...
View ArticleHow to change property value on state or event
I would like to know if its possible to change the a property value depending on a event. Like changing the source of an image or the background color of a grid when the user press the ContentView or...
View ArticleNavigation.PopAsync doesn't work
In my app, when user press Login button on the HomePage, I need to show the LoginPage. On my home page I call "await Navigation.PushAsync(new LoginPage());" in the command for the Login button. When...
View ArticleHow to open intent on click push notifications.
I'm having some trouble understanding how the pushnotifications should work. When the user clicks on the notification dissapears but the activity does not start. I have a specific GCM module which is...
View ArticleBeginner questions on custom page renderers
What is the difference between e.NewElement and Element? Also iOS is setting up a new page inside OnElementChanged here:,...
View ArticleTabbedPage in MasterDetailPage not producing scrollable tabs
Hey everyone, I'm having an issue where I have a TabbedPage in a MasterDetailPage and the tabs are not scrollable. Instead they're getting squished to fit the screen. Any ideas what's going on? Page...
View ArticleAndroid custom TabbedPage renderer with Material Design compat
Hello, everyone! I'm trying fix tabs broke texts but, since I'm using Material Design AppCompat, I'm having problems to create a custom TabbedPage renderer. Anyway, I'm just search for a way to fix...
View Articlescope bar in xamarin forms
Hi, i am developing an app in xamarin forms. I need in the ios version of the app to show an scope bar, how can I do it? This is what I call a scope bar:
View ArticleImage source http credentials
Hello, I'm building an internal application and I want to use authentication on an image source. The problem is that I need basic (or cookie login) on the UserPhotoUrl. This is the xaml of the page,...
View ArticleTabbedPage - how to enable reordering?
Hi, I'm looking for the defaul tabs reorder feature in Xamarin.Forms. I added over 5 tabs, there is more button, but when I tap it, there is no "Edit" button in top-right corner. I found this solution...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Windows 8.1 (WInRT) App on Windows 10
I read from Microsoft that Windows 8.1 apps will work correctly when installed on Windows 10. They obviously would not do any of the fancy things that a real Windows 10 app could do, but no surprise...
View ArticleButton with an image, how to centre the image horizontally?
Hi guys, Trying to get a little button with an image, I want the image to be centred within the button but it is always to the left. Button button = new Button(); { //WidthRequest = 50 BorderWidth =...
View ArticleHow can I customize the border of stack Layout?
I have created a square blocks using stack layout and have some elements inside the stack layout and now i want to customize the border color of stack layout? Can anybody let me know how can i create...
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