Using Entity Framework 7 RC1 with SQlite on Xamarin.Forms
Can Entity Framework 7 RC1 be used with Xamarin.Forms? If so, please provide an demo example with simple CRUD operations. Thanks.
View ArticleHow to make the screen visible for 20 seconds or more in the Xamarin forms
Hi I have 3 content pages here first.cs second.cs third.cs In First.cs I have following code snippet. Button b=new Button(){ Title="Submit" }; b.clicked+=(){ //Here I would like to call the second page...
View ArticleXamarin Forms localization strings not showing up on Galaxy s3
I'll make this quick. I have a Xamarin Forms app, and I am testing the localization feature on a Galaxy S3 device. In the Emulator, the strings change without issues, both in XAML and code behind, when...
View ArticleXamarin 4 What more can we expect?
Xamarin 4 has been launched with some great new features like iOS Apps in Visual Studio, XIB Launch Screens, tvOS with Xamarin. Are there any other aspects of this release that I can leverage while...
View ArticleBindingContext of Buttons within a ListView template
So I'm having a little trouble with Command binding within a ListView template here. This is my XAML code: <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding AvailableExams}" ItemTapped="ItemTapped"...
View ArticleWindows 8.1 / Windows phone 8.1 / Windows 10 related issues
Hi I have a published application built on Xamarin.Forms for Android and iOS and unrelated version for Windows Store. Recently I dove into migrating my Windows Store version to Xamarin.Forms. Windows...
View ArticleError Code CS0117: Resource does not contain a definition for Animation - on...
I get this error while updating NuGet package Xamarin.Forms from v1.5.1.6471 to v2.0.0.6490. Why is it occurring? What is the resolution?
View ArticleDoes Xamarin.Forms support F#?
Does Xamarin.Forms support F#? I do not see Xamarin.Forms projects under F#.
View ArticleHide TableSection header on Android
Passing empty string does the job on iOS new TableSection("") How to do the same for Android?
View ArticleFile Picker not working
Hello i'm using acr-xamarin-forms to allow user to select file in my app. I'm using following code var device = Resolver.Resolve (); var mediaPicker = DependencyService.Get (); if (mediaPicker == null)...
View ArticleImage compression in xamarin.forms
MediaFile result = await mediaPicker.TakePhotoAsync ( new CameraMediaStorageOptions { DefaultCamera = CameraDevice.Rear, }); Image CaptureImage = new Image { HeightRequest = 35, WidthRequest = 35,...
View ArticleAfter implementing Material Design for Android, crashes app on start
Hi there, I implemented Material Design in my Xamarin.Forms app using both links, however in both cases when i run app, it crashes. Please advise...
View ArticlePPI/DPI of current Device
Hi there How can i get current DPI/PPI of the device, for example iPhone 3 had 193something ppi while iphone 4 had 320 something ppi. Thanks
View ArticleScroll ScrollView Programmatically
Hi all, I am using Xamarin.Forms and I have ScrollView. I want to scroll ScrollView to some Y position programatically, but I could not manage it. Can you help me? How to do it?
View ArticleResourses missing?
For a while now I get this error after adding Xamarin.Forms to any project : C:\\Projects\test\test\AAPT: Error: resource directory '...
View ArticleAny way to get around this error?? Its for a tabbed listView cross-platform app.
System.Exception: Could not initialize an instance of the type 'UIKit.UIImage': the native 'initWithContentsOfFile:' method returned nil. It is possible to ignore this condition by setting...
View ArticleIObservableMap in Xamarin Forms
Do we have IObservableMap or anything simillar to IObservableMap for Binding in Xamarin.Forms?
View ArticleSystem.Net.Http
Hi all, Am very new to Xamarin. Am trying to import the nuget package System.Net.Http into my solution and I get the following error. Could not install package 'System.Net.Http 4.0.0'. You are trying...
View ArticleHow To use Google Translater Api
Hi, I want tot use Google Translation API/ Bing Translation API to the project of Xamarin Forms(Android). Any one Know how to integrate Google Translation API to the Xamarin Forms Project. Please share...
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