Xamarin.forms nugetpackage conflicting and endless update
anyone else experiences this problem ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34471364/xamarin-forms-nugetpackage-conflicting-and-endless-update/34471604#34471604
View ArticlePadding issue with ScrollView in Xamarin.Forms 2.0
Hi guys. I'm experiencing a problem with the padding in ScrollViews. It seems to be saving the space for the padding but its rendering the content aligned to the left in Windows Phone. If I put...
View ArticleApp.xaml file isn't getting created with new XF Solution
Seems like this has just started happening recently when I create a new Xamarin Forms solution (PCL). What happened to the App.xaml and App.xaml.cs files that were created? Wasn't that part of the...
View ArticleSetting button background color removes material design touch feedback
How do i set the background of a button but still keep the touch feedback from android material design? <Button x:Name="login" Text="LOGIN" TextColor="White" BackgroundColor="Teal"...
View ArticleIs there in Xamarin Forms something like state list color in Android?
I have button, i want set background color red, and set background color as white if button pressed (not clicked, only on pressed!). In Android I can use color state list with state_pressed property....
View ArticleSupport for Windows phone 8 in Xamarin.Forms.Dynamic pre-release
Hi Team, I am trying to developing an application for Windows Phone 8.0 with Xamarin Forms. I am trying to load the views dynamically using an xaml string. Please refer the link below:...
View ArticleAfter updating xamarin android, the appliction which i have prevoisly created...
I have update xamarin android for visual studio recently. After updating, i'm not able to deploy the application which i have previously created(both in Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android). Getting...
View ArticleBug or wrong approach? FormattedText and Bindings through XAML throw an...
We have a Label that has a sentence as the Text property, we want to split it in two to style it differently. The original approach that compiles and "works" but doesn't show up on screen because our...
View ArticleiOS MPMoviePlayerViewController goes blank after a few seconds
I'm having a weird issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); var f = new...
View ArticleListView Renderers
Hi everyone, I've made a sample App to test Xamarin.Forms ListView renderers because i've got some updating issues in a "production app" and i noticed something weird with bindings. I'm using...
View ArticleXamarin Forms - Android Lollipop java.lang.OutOfMemoryError problem
Hello, When releasing my app in some Lollipop Devices I got some issues with OutOfMemoryError. The error always happen in ListViews with images. In this case also CircleImages. The error is:...
View ArticleTwoWay Binding fails to fire in Windows 8.1 phone and Store app when using...
Hello, I have been seeing some strange behaviour with PCL based solutions using SwitchCells where the TwoWay Binding seems not to work in the Phone and Store 8.1 Apps. I have a multi target project...
View ArticleTouchesEnded is not called in CustomRenderer iOS
May I know what is reason TouchesEnded method is not called in customerRenderer iOS. But calling the TouchesCancelled instead of TocuhesEnded. Its for urgent please help me.
View ArticleProblem with WorkingWithListviewNative sample
Good day, I have been using this sample for my listview implementation. It works pretty well and smooth. see here:...
View ArticleSharing violation on path PropertyStore.forms.tmp
I am seeing a huge upswing in reports of this in Insights in the past few days - seems to be mostly on Android, not iOS the stack trace is System.IO.FileStream.ctor(System.String path, FileMode mode,...
View ArticleCompiled XAML - Exception thrown with AbsoluteLayout containing AutoSize...
After enabling XAML compilation, I get the following exception when I load a page that contains an AboluteLayout with children whose LayoutBounds use AutoSize:...
View ArticleWill it be possible to have UWP core libraries mixed with native...
I am just getting started with Xamarin (started my evaluation today). I'm trying to wrap my head around the different options for creating a cross-platform solution, particularly with UWP in the mix....
View ArticleHow to handle Android IntentFilter to open app with specific file-types?
How do I handle Android IntentFilter ActionView in a Xamarin.Forms-App? Here is my FormsApplicationActivity. IntentFilter is defined to enable the app to open *.gpx files from web-pages or file. The...
View ArticleForms.Map - Pins not appear on the device only in the simulator (IOS)
My map-based application works perfectly in the simulator, however when I executalo the IOS device (Debug or Release) the pins simply do not appear. I tried to reduce the amount to 10 and yet to no...
View ArticleListView in Windows Phone causes Argument Out Of Range Exception
Hello, I am having the exact same problem, that was reported here: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=24681, which is: Attempting to remove the last item from the example list view causes an...
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