Is it possible to inflate a View from XAML?
I would like to create the XAML file for a View and use it in different pages. In native Android I'd do it this way: LayoutInflater inflater =...
View ArticleUsing ElementName on Binding gives me an error
Hi, I'm using Xamarin.Forms.Behaviors and i'm trying to pass through the CommandParameter the SelectedItem to my ViewModel using RelayCommand, but always get an error saying:...
View ArticleHow to Change the display alert background & fore ground color and Needs to...
How to Change the display alert background color & fore ground color and Needs to add an Icon in the alert in xamarin forms, Now It's displaying in black color like following Thanks Rk.Moorthy
View ArticleWindows Phone Back Button Navigation
Hi, So in my Windows Project I have the Hardware Back Button pressed code void HardwareButtons_BackPressed(object sender, BackPressedEventArgs e) { if (OnPageMenu == false) { e.Handled = true; } else {...
View ArticleCustom ButtonRenderer not called when my Activity inherits from...
My Custom ButtonRenderer does not get called since my Activity inherits from FormsAppCompatActivity instead of FormsApplicationActivity Is this a known issue? My custom renderer: [assembly:...
View ArticleGoogle Map is Showing a blank screen in Android
Hi i am new to Xamarin. I created a map using the following link i followed all the procedures...
View ArticleStackLayout ItemTemplate
Hi! For my project I need to declare an itemTemplate in a stackLayout. With the traditional xaml I could declare something like that: < StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Fill"...
View ArticleWeb Views on Xamarin.Forms Windows
Hi, I have a WebView which I use on my cross platform app and it looks fine, but on Windows the web views are smaller and scaled down and when I have a full screen web view it doesn't work. Does anyone...
View ArticleUpload Image/Video Windows Phone Xamarin.Forms Sample
Hi, Has anyone used uploading an Image or Video from phone pictures through Xamarin.Forms Windows 8.1 before? Thanks
View ArticleChanging Font Family not reflecting
I want to change Label's FontFamily. Below is my code: titleLabel.FontFamily = "SF Hollywood Hills"; But its not reflecting in the app. Is it possible to change FontFamily in Forms? Also what default...
View ArticleHow can I get absolute position of element/view in xamarin.forms
I am using Xamarin Forms version I have a Grid with 2 rows (1st row 50pixels height) in a Page, I have a Layout Control in 2nd row of Grid. I am working on touch gestures. I am getting X &...
View ArticleBadge utilizando xamarin forms
ola bom dia, estou com um problema.. preciso colocar o numero de notificações no meu ícone, estava pesquisando e vi algo sobre badge, mas não encontrei nada que pode-se me ajudar, alguém tem um exemplo...
View ArticleHow to take picture from camera and retrieve it using Xamarin.forms for cross...
How to take picture from camera,save that image in gallery and retrieve it afterwards using C#? The same code which can be executed in android as well as IOS is required (using Xamarin.Forms). Please...
View ArticleAnnouncing the "Xamarin.Forms Kickstarter" guide
Dear Xamarin.Forms community! My team and I are working on a kickstarter guide for Xamarin.Forms. Our objective is to give an introduction to developers that might be new to the field of cross-platform...
View ArticleAnnouncing the Xamarin.Forms Kickstarter 2.0
Dear all, A few weeks ago Xamarin released Xamarin.Forms 2.0, a milestone in the development of this framework. We decided to take the opportunity to release a corresponding edition of the...
View ArticleCustom Fonts
Hi, I'm just going through customizing fonts in Xamarin.Forms. I want to set custom fonts in my entire app. I read many notes, articles, etc, defining about customizing font in Xamarin.Forms, but they...
View ArticleAdd a nav bar right button
Just started on Xamarin forms. I know you can add a nav bar right button using standard Xamarin...
View ArticleAzure Hub Registration Failure
Hi, var cs = SBConnectionString.CreateListenAccess(new NSUrl("sb://"), "YOUR-KEY"); // Register our info with Azure var hub = new SBNotificationHub (cs,...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Listview set focus to entry on selected row event
I am using the ListView and in each cell I have a label and an entry to the right side. When I click on the entry box the keyboard will show up but if I click on the row without clicking on the entry...
View ArticleIn UWP project, how do we add assemblies in App.xaml.cs to compile with .net...
Per the Troubleshooting section of, are we expected to track down every single .dll referenced by...
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