UriImageSource sometimes doesn't load image
Hi, I have page with 6 Image and every image is located on web. I get the list of URLs from API and I setting them to Images with UriImageSource, but sometimes random images doesnt load - no error, no...
View ArticleCall a Soap Web Service in Xamarin Forms
Hi All, I wanted to get a web service Soap envelope request and response using WSDL Libraries. Any good responses and samples would be appreciated. Thanks,
View ArticleUniversal Windows ListView Grouping Bug?
I'm adding a Universal Windows target to my PCL project and I'm getting Resource Token Not Found errors when I have grouping enabled on a Forms ListView. Disabling grouping for my UWP target makes my...
View ArticleTouchesCancelled being fired instead of TouchesEnded
Hi all, I'm learning Xamarin and I have an app that started as an iOS app but I've started to port into a Xamarin Forms app. I've created a custom page renderer for one of the screens and ported the...
View ArticleIMAGES: What steps to you guys do to get them right?
I find that working with images in a cross-platform manner is quite tedious. Android requires 5 versions of an image (ldpi, mdpi (actual size), hdpi, xhdpi, and xxhdpi). And iOS requires 3 versions...
View ArticleStack two Labels horizontally (And a little bit of vertically :))
Hi, I had a hard time describing my problem so I made a picture:
View Articlexamarin Insights Error
while creating new xamarin form apps in xamarin studio.. Error occured like this one... Xamarin Insights Error Xamarin.Insights support could not be added to your project due to an error: An unexpected...
View Articlecross platform app
hi, If i develop single quiz app in xamarin studio. It can be viewed and accessed by all platform like , IOS and Windows Phone mobile... Is it possible with one single app?
View ArticleListView row height
Hi everybody, I want to use ListView in my app, and on every row i need picture on the left, and title + text on the right next to the picture, aligned to center. I have basic template done (below),...
View ArticleAutoComplete Xamarin Forms Cross Platform Sample
Attached is a snapshot of our app. For the "Area" section we have almost 3000 items. If we used a spinner or picker it would be very user unfriendly to let him scroll through the whole list till he...
View ArticleCachedImage FFImageLoading for Xamarin.Forms
https://github.com/molinch/FFImageLoading or https://github.com/daniel-luberda/FFImageLoading/ (new Forms features) DEMO:...
View ArticleUnable to Reference PCL Project To Windows Phone 8.1(RT) Project in Xamarin...
Hi i created a xamarin forms(PCL) app. as it comes with WP 8.0 App(silver-light). so i removed and added a new Project WP 8.1(RT). i am successfully able to install xamarin forms and XLabs Nuget. but...
View ArticleStrange behaviour with Maps on Android
In my app I have 2 screens that have maps on. Screen A has Map A and Screen B has Map B. When I show Screen A, Map A show perfectly and I can use it accordingly. But when I push Screen B, Map B has an...
View ArticleCustom control properties and Styles
I have made a custom element that consists of a button, some labels and images etc. I made bindable properties like TextColor, Command etc, and they all work properly when used on the individual...
View ArticleGet snapshot of Map
Is there a way in Forms to get a snap shot of a Map and show it in an Image?
View ArticleHow to implement chat functionality in xamarin forms
Hello experts, To achieve this I try out Sharp xmpp Matrix xmpp https://github.com/EgorBo/CrossChat-Xamarin.Forms Here are the complication listed Looking for a XMPP client library compatible with...
View ArticleAnyone know how to change placeholder text color with Xamarin Forms?
Does anyone know how to change placeholder text color with Xamarin Forms? I assume i'm going to have to build a custom renderer, but I haven't built one yet and wasn't sure if anyone know a good way to...
View ArticleCustom Renderer on iOS - ImageSource to UIImage?
The question is in the title. How can this be done? I decompiled the iOS platform DLL, but it uses a cascade of internal and private classes to do it on the ImageCell. Isn't there any other way around?
View ArticleXamarin.Forms WebView Control in Windows Phone 8.1 App
Hi, I have developed a rather simple Forms App which has a Forms WebView control on a TabPage. In the WebView control a mobile website (with jQuery behind I think) is displayed. The Android and iOS...
View ArticleHow to Customize Page Title Font in WindowsPhone 8.1
I'm using a NavigationPage, and I tried to create a custom NavigationPageRenderer class, and I got the ContainerElement as a PageControl, but I couldn't reach the page title template in order to...
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