Android navbar color reverts when stacked 3 deep on Galaxy Note
Our app uses the NavigationPage constructor initialization to set the navbar color like this: new NavigationPage(new ContentPage()) { BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#ffffff") }; This works...
View ArticleiOS - Local webview shows black background when page is dragged
I'm currently working with some WebViews right now, one of which includes loading a local HTML file into my app. On iOS, if I try dragging the page, a black background shows. What can I do to disable...
View ArticleHow to set color for NavigationBar background and text in Xamarin.Forms.Android?
Hello everyone, I want to change the navigation bar background color and text color. But i don't know how to set it. I can only set the bar background color in App.cs file. MainPage = new...
View ArticleMobile Ads OTHER than Admob?
Hi. I'm sick of Admob. I'm looking for OTHER ads for Xamarin. Looking for Xamarin Forms but can be also for Xamarin.IOS and Xamarin.Android via custom renderer (prefer also for WinPhone8.1 WinRT)....
View ArticleBug? MasterDetailPage set IsPresented while changing tab
I'm using a TabbedPage where a certain action in one tab will cause the app to change its current tab. All tabs are MasterDetailPages. During this change, if an iOS device is in portrait, the Detail...
View ArticleListview scroll performance
Hello, I created an app using xamarin.forms. Unfortunately I have problems with performance scrolling (less 200 items) in Android devices. The scroll has a lag and in some occasions it is almost...
View ArticleCustom Renderer - Modify specific XAML properties
Hi, I'm using Xamarin 4 with Xamarin.Forms 2.0. I created a custom renderer on Android to display a custom font. Now I would like to link the XAML FontAttributes property value (e.g. Bold) to a...
View ArticleShared Images In Shared Project
Hi all, I'm using the new Xamarin.forms and I'm building my view but I want to add an image to it. I want to store all of my images in the same shared library, so I've created a folder called "Images"...
View ArticleTwoWay Binding fails to fire in Windows 8.1 phone and Store app when using...
Hello, I have been seeing some strange behaviour with PCL based solutions using SwitchCells where the TwoWay Binding seems not to work in the Phone and Store 8.1 Apps. I have a multi target project...
View ArticleFound a way to make ToolBarItems Visible/Invisible..without a custom renderer
So from what I've seen in the API Docs (*) Toolbar items don't seem to have an IsVisible property. I was able to accomplish this by defining a...
View ArticleIs there any way to convert Xamarin Forms UI (xaml) to Native UI project?
Hi Everybody Do you know tool / how to convert project Xamarin Forms UI (xaml) to : 1. IOS UI project ( Storyboard) 2. Android UI project (axml) I think very cool if have a tool like that . We will...
View ArticleError ITMS-90096
I am getting the following error when submitting to the Apple Store: ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch...
View ArticleCarousel/Coverflow control for Android
Hey guys, I'm working on a Xamarin.Forms app that will use a carousel to display a collection of images. I'm using the Alliance Carousel ( in a...
View ArticleToolbarItems.Add() missing item on iOS with more tab option
just like the title, I have a page that adds a toolbaritem. The item adds and display correctly until I decided to add a sixth tab to my tab page. Now the button is nowhere to be seem. All this is done...
View ArticleWeird reopening error Xamarin Forms
Im using OAuth with Xamarin Forms. It works perfectly on Android, But on iOS after I call _Nav.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); with _Nav being of type NavigationPage it keeps reopening the page over and...
View ArticleCannot find function pointer IOHIDLibFactory for factory...
Switched from out of the box to the following and the screen comes up but its blank. How do I proceed? This is with Visual Studio 2015 public App() { // The root page of your application //MainPage =...
View ArticleProblems with Application.Current.Properties...
Hi all I have XF installed. With an earlier version of XF (1.3.0 Pre-release 1 without documentation), I have (not successfully -> app-crashes) tried, to store application-settings...
View ArticleSuper Newbie Image question
The idea is to have 3 Images in a Row on my app's Login screen. I realize this is a stupid question, but I've been wrestling with my ignorance for hours now lol. This is the latest iteration: Content =...
View ArticleFontSize NamedSize
Hi Folks, Is there some precise meaning to NamedSize? I'd like to incorporate that setting into my own custom controls, but if there are guidelines of how big each size is, I'd love to know where to...
View ArticleNative Google and Facebook login flow
I want to use the native Facebook and Google OAuth2 authentication processes within my Xamarin.Forms app on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. There is Xamarin.Auth, but: - From what I can tell (I haven't...
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