iOS and Android dependency classes' inheritance causes "You must add a...
In my Xamarin.Forms project I have a dependency interface `/* * Interface to get device IP address on network, implemented natively in .Droid's and .iOS's IPAddressManager.cs */ public interface...
View ArticleLayout errors on Xamarin.Facebook LoginButton
Has somebody has found with this error. I'm using a custom render to use the Facebook LoginButton. On iOS everything goes fine. But Android the button shows like the attached picture. The Text for "Log...
View ArticleListView Xaml: IsGroupingEnabled and ItemsSource cause System.ArgumentException
When I was working on ListView, I kept get System.ArgumentException "An item with the same key has already been added." So I did some experiments. The problematic code: <ListView...
View ArticleHi guys, i need your help by ScrollView issue
Here you can see my code below.. Im not able to scroll vertically, what do i need to do to get this issue solved? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ContentPage...
View ArticleWhat is the minimum Android version supported by Xamarin.Forms?
I am sure it must be in the documentation somewhere, but I'm struggling to find it. What is the minimum Android version supported by Xamarin.Forms? Many thanks, John H.
View ArticleHow can I create field level help in Xamarin Forms MVVM project?
I have a Xamarin Forms project targeting iOS, Android and Window Phone. I am using MVVM for this project. All View Models are in a PCL and the UI is mostly in a shared project, such as ProjectUI. So, I...
View ArticleCarousel View returns to first index on TranslateTo
In my app I created a Carousel View following this article. I works perfectly except on animations. I use translateTo on the view and when it...
View ArticleRunning Xamarin UI Test without Test Cloud
Hi! I am trying to use Xamarin UI test. (not Test Cloud). I have written a simple project and use to run such code: IApp app =...
View ArticleHow do you dynamically make individual Grid rows size themselves to their...
I have a grid that fills itself up from data/calculations stored in a database. Because of this, the database may change and all rows need to be dynamic (no XAML setting individual RowDefinitions)....
View ArticleXamarin.Forms.Labs Peeps!
@KevinFord @rmarinho So I used NuGet to get the package added to my project; it also added ExifLib. I set up a class to utilize the camera from my app, based upon your Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Sample app....
View ArticleScrollView won't work in work within images
Hi all, I put six images into a scrollview, they are fixed size and inside the scrollview, there is in Grid to put them into three rows. For phones which have larger screen, that is no problems, but in...
View ArticleHow to cancel or handle the back button press on Navigation Bar on iOS/Android
This is such a frustrating experience probably due to either my stupidity or someone's stupidity. The OnBackButtonPressed won't be called at all. And I tried to handle the Popup event of navigation, to...
View ArticleBound Field in Xamarin Form Grid
Hi, I need Bound Field for XFGrid. If i click on any field in my grid the clicked field should change to textbox. I Created my XFGrid through Code. private void CreateGrid() { XFGrid grid = new...
View ArticleGetting a grid of buttons without the spacing in between.
What do I need to do to avoid the default spacing between two buttons? I have tried setting padding to 0, BorderWidth etc. I am using Grid like this: in ctor: InitializeComponent(); var grid = new Grid...
View ArticleIOS - ScrollView doesnt work on device
Hello, I got the following Problem - Currently I am trying to output a Datagrid (Zumero) in a Stacklayout located in a ScrollView. <ScrollView > <StackLayout x:Name="Scroll" Padding =...
View ArticleHow to add the content of a Frame as a Subview in an UIView? (Add Views as...
I'm using the RoundedBoxViewRenderer example from here ( and I updated it to inherit from Frame and not BoxView because...
View ArticleHow can I MVVM-Compliant modify dynamically the contenttype of a custom control?
Hi, I am trying to make an own control with a headerline and a contentarea. The Problem: The Content is not always a String which I can use with a label. It could be quite every possible contenttype....
View ArticleWhat's the proper way to do push notifications using XF?
Howdy folks, I'm playing around with xamarin for vs and I'm wondering what the proper way to do push notifications should be? I'm gravitating towards using AWS SNS and I found on github an AWS SDK for...
View ArticleUsing imported views in xaml
Hello, I'm trying to create an autocomplete search bar using Forms.Labs' AutoCompleteView. But I'm always getting "Type AutoCompleteView not found in xmlns". The xaml and cs files use the same class...
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