Why would my app is perfectly working with iOS 8 but not iOS 7 with some images
Hi, I'm currently working on a Xamarin.Forms App that used TabbedPage. For iOS 8.x, Images for Tab in my TabbedPage are perfectly displayed I Also have I similar problem for my custom renderer Map Here...
View ArticleHTML Copy and Paste in Email
Hi, I have working with Email Signature. I have some HTML Design that use for Email Signature, i need to button click copy that HTML and paste in Email as a Design, In IOS its working fine using below...
View ArticleHow to trigger context actions with custom event?
Hi all, I'm trying to implement a Listview, where user have to select one or more rows and delete. So my question is can I use context actions to show up when they select a row instead of long tap...
View ArticleContentPage.BackgroundImage not changable after set to first image.
The background won't change, it will fixed to the first background always even set to another image path ... Is it a bug? `var btn = new Button () { Text = "Change background 1" }; btn.Clicked +=...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms and Windows Universal Apps
Hello! In the latest updates from Microsoft for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, they introduced the Universal Apps. Wrapping up, it is nothing more then use the new Shared Projects included on...
View ArticleHow Copy Paste HTML in Xamarin forms (IOS, Android)
Hi, I have some HTML template , i need to copy and paste that HTML template in email . please help Thanks
View ArticleAfter the error update [System.Net.Http not found]
after updated the Xamarin to 1.4.3, I tried to debug my application, and one of my paintings have an image that the source is a url, who is now with the following error: AOT module 'mscorlib.dll.so'...
View ArticleHow to detect scanner input in xamarin.forms
Hi, in my app (targeting Android and iOS) I want to implement a new function to scan barcodes with a bluetooth barcode scanner. On my device the scanner is detected as a keyboard. Does someone know if...
View ArticleAndroid app built in release mode crash by missing default constructor
My Android app crashes when built in release mode. (in debug mode it is OK!) [AndroidRuntime] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException [AndroidRuntime] at...
View ArticleBluetooth support in Xamarin.Forms
I've noticed a few projects attempting to tackle the issue of Bluetooth connectivity from common code in Xamarin.Forms. At Evolve 2014 we released a beta version of the Monkey.Robotics component which...
View ArticleHow to do a Windows Phone 'OnPlatform' for a ToolBarItem Icon?
This works (the icon is shown) in all platforms including Windows Phone 8.1: <ToolbarItem Name="{resx:Translate MainPageLogOutLabel}" Command="{Binding LogOutCommand}" Order="Primary" Priority="0"...
View ArticleUnable to push notifications from Parse
Hi All, I am trying to push notification of parse to my android device in a xamarin.Forms Application. Here is my code: Android.manifest: <!-- IMPORTANT: Change "com.parse.starter" to match your...
View ArticleCustom view load with live updates
I've created a custom view, which I've rendered for use in a xamarin.forms view. I'm able to update the view using the OnElementPropertyChanged method: protected override void...
View ArticleAndroid Errors when loading Google Map
The map still loads and pins work as they should, but I'm getting these errors and it only started a couple of days ago. 08-12 04:27:30.151 I/Google Maps Android API( 3103): Google Play services...
View ArticleHow to resize an image in Xamarin.Forms (iOS, Android and WP)?
Hi all In my app, there is a registration-page, where the user can register to have access to more functions. Among other he can load an image, that then is showed as his avatar. To select an image, I...
View ArticleVideo on Background in a content page not go in background
Hi, i have a problem to play a video in the background of a content page. I use an absolute layout to make a custom renderer class in background and an image and two label in front of the page. This is...
View ArticleIcon for ToolbarItem with Order="Secondary"
Hi, I need to put icons like this: I have 4 icons and all of them on ContentPage.ToolbarItems dont look good. I tried putting some in Order="Secondary" but then the icon doesn't show when I click the 3...
View ArticleProblem with Xamarin Studio debugger
I have a problem with the debugger where I'll click step-in or step-over and it just stays on the same line, and the line is green-highlighted. I could click step-in or step-over a hundred times and it...
View ArticleImageSource -> UIImage
I need to convert ImageSource to UIImage and I checked ImageRenderer for this purpose but I can't compile part of code I got from there. IImageSourceHandler handler; if (imageSource != null &&...
View ArticleException with Maps
Get the following exception when attempting to use maps: Java.Lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at --- End of managed exception stack trace --- at...
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