How to save the image in resources folder ?
Hi all, Is anyone know how to save the image in resources folder which comes from api service ?
View ArticleHow to save the image in resources folder ?
Hi all, Is anyone know how to save the image in resources folder which comes from api service ?
View ArticleAnimationDrawable in Custom Renderer
Hi, Has anyone had any success with using animationdrawables in android custom renderers? If so would you mind giving me some tips or a code snippet, I'm a bit lost as I have rarely (never) been asked...
View ArticleIs there a way to disable the predictive keyboard toolbar for a Forms Entry...
There appears to be a way to do this directly in iOS by manipulating the UITextAutocorrectionType field. But can it be done in a platform-agnostic way in the Forms Entry field?
View ArticleHow to implement animated back button in masterpage
@adamkemp Hi adam can you help me with this, Generally the masterpage menu shows hamburger image. when menu is popped out then it turns into left-arrow automatically with animation effect. default i...
View ArticleCan I deploy a Xamarin.Forms app to the app store using VS2015?
Can I deploy a Xamarin.Forms app to the app store using VS2015 or is Xamarin Studio required? If I can use VS2015 to deploy the app to the store, is there any documentation on how to do this?
View ArticleAnimated MasterDetail "Hamburger" icon, such as on Android or html/css.
To repeat this previously asked question ( by @NenadMilosavljevic), has anyone implemented a renderer or got working in any other way...
View ArticleXLAB'S ImageButton's binding is not working !
code <xlabsControl:ImageButton Text="SET LOCATION MANUALLY" BackgroundColor="#01abdf" TextColor="#ffffff" HeightRequest="75" WidthRequest="175" Image="setLocationManually.png"...
View ArticleGet Version Information
Is there a built in way in forms to get version information of the app? Or do we have to implement this ourselves? For iOS: var ver = NSBundle.MainBundle.InfoDictionary["CFBundleVersion"]; For Android:...
View ArticleTrouble with Navigation Bar in MasterDetail Page
Hi I'm having trouble with the MasterDetail Navigation on the detail page. I would ultimately like to hide the navigation bar so that I can create a very custom look and feel I have tried adding...
View ArticleNew Blog: Best practices for using Xamarin Plugins
As always any and all feedback is encouraged. New Blog: Best practices for using Xamarin Plugins
View ArticlePass data from Android Project to PCL
Hi, I need to take photo from a PCL project (only in Android at the moment). Tried to use XLabs but fail to use it. So I am trying to use native code and dependency service. So this is what I did and...
View ArticleAdd separator/divider between rows in a ListView
I know there exists a solution for IOS(using ExtendedViewCell from Xamarin forms labs), but I am looking for a way to do the same for Android. This is how I am solving it for now, looking if someone...
View ArticleFacing an Internal Error Suddenly
Hi, I am facing an internal error while debugging my app today. It was fine till yesterday. The error I am getting - Xamarin.AndroidTools.AndroidDeploymentException: InternalError --->...
View ArticleIs it possible to do Inline formatting in label?
i am curious about this one, few days back i was working on a project and there was a requirement to show label test in different font weights and styles like mentioned here on this link :...
View ArticleApp built in Visual Studio won't run in Xamarin Studio
So I built an app in Visual Studio and it's been running perfectly fine in the IOS Simulator. I'm preparing to push the app out through Test Flight then the AppStore and it seems the only way to do...
View ArticleLabel update
Hi everyone, i am new on android, what is my wrong? i see just Done on screen after 10 seconds, i want to see , Progress : 10%,Progress : 20% etc... lbl.Text = "Starting"; for (var i = 0; i<10;i++)...
View ArticleAndroid forms maps: out of memory exception when compiling.
Hi All So... I create a new Android Application targeting the latest installed API (4.4. kit kat). I add the Xamarin.Forms package, then i compile, all good. I then add the Xamarin.Forms.Maps package,...
View ArticleOut of memory exception with image
Hi, I have a forms page with a grid. The grid has about 3 rows en 3 colums in each grid item is a imageview that does imagecaching. When I fill the grid with data in code I get a out of memoryexception...
View ArticleBuilding in Android: Java Out Of Memory Error
I recently upgraded to OSX Yosemite, and now when building in Android, the build just hangs at the middle of the progress bar and I get a java.outOfMemoryError in the end. Here is the whole stack:...
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