Working Around a Control To Return a Data From a Popup Window
I'm still new to Xamarin and I'm having trouble in my code. The user is entering information in a page. There is a picker where he chooses his area of living. There are over 3000 areas and it's very...
View ArticleNested RelativeLayout in XAML
Hi, I have some issues to control the position of a RelativeLayout nested in another RelativeLayout. My goal is to achieve somehow a Carousel, but without the swipe. I'll translate the pages manually....
View ArticleZoom on image
I have a Xamarin Forms PCL Project and in one of my pages I have a scroll view that holds about five images vertically. I need to be able to implement the pinch to zoom gesture on the images, any ideas...
View ArticleMedia Component issue in xamarin.forms for android lollypop 5.1.1
Hi All, I am using Media.Plugin for xamarin.forms app. While getting picture from gallery specially on android 5.1.1, It does not showing. It's working on android kitkat properly . Is there any work...
View ArticleCustom Renderer with Constructor Injection
Hi, We are using TinyIoC for DI, and I need to inject a dependency into my Custom Renderers in order to get resources: [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(Entry), typeof(CustomEntryRenderer))] namespace...
View ArticleHow to handle navigation in a MasterDetailPage using Context Actions of a...
Hello there, I will try to give an accurate explanation for the issue I'm facing. Context : I'm using a MasterDetailPage for my main navigation. In a Detail page (used as a NavigationPage), I display a...
View ArticleChange the color of the line between the header and the items in a Forms...
Hi! I'm trying to figure out how to change the color of the line between the header and the items in a ListView? Specifically for iOS at the moment, but still in Forms. XAML and screenshot below....
View ArticleWindows Phone 8.1 embedded string resources from PCL
As I read - for Windows Phone 8.1 XF - here 'due to the WinRT default trust level, embedded resource loading from a different assembly will not work unless the ReflectionPermission on the source...
View ArticleCustomize Cells/ListView on Xamarin.Forms via Custom Render
Hello everyone! I have a native(Xamarin.Forms) listview. My data context have 3 property,like : public class MyDataContext : { public string Name {get;set;} public string ImageName {get;set;} public...
View ArticleCardView
How can implement cardview in Xamarin Forms? like this
View ArticleHow do I create Custom Renderers for Cells?
I was able to figure out how to create custom renderers for Droid and iOS from here BUT how do I do it for Windows Phone 8.1? public override Windows.UI.Xaml.DataTemplate GetTemplate(Cell cell) gives...
View ArticleHide Android Home icon on Navigation Bar
Hello, how can I hide the Android home icon in Xamarin Forms on the navigation bar? Thanks!
View ArticleiPad PopToRootAsync() results in System.NullReferenceException
Forms : I'm working on an app in which the user navigates through a number of ContentPages before reaching a MasterDetailPage. In order to navigate back to the start I'm invoking...
View ArticleHow does Geocoder work?
I'm wondering how the Geocoder converts an address to coordinates but I haven't been able to find any information. Can anyone enlighten me as to what service is being used and are there any...
View ArticleXlabs : Imagebutton doesn't show the Icon image
I am using Xlabs ImageButton . The icon inside the image doesn't show in my screen. Xlab.Forms version is 2.0.5679. Here is my code , <controls:ImageButton x:Name="TwitterButton" Text="Twitter"...
View ArticleHow to disable share in QLpreviewcontroller for iOS
Hi, Using dependency service I have used Qlpreviewcontroller to view PDF.However I want to remove or disable the share button. I already tried setting right bar button item to null ,this will not work...
View ArticleInApp-Billing
Hey folks, as I'm taking huge steps to release our app, I'm now at the point where I have to implement a payment function. And I was curious if anyone here used the InApp-Billing Components from the...
View ArticleComplex UI: UI is not working for iOS and Android
Hi All, I am new to Xamarin, I am doing POC where I am creating one Page with multiple images having label top on that and all this images are in scroller. Pages Which I am creating and running in iOS...
View ArticleXamarin form Crop Image functionality
Hi, I need to crop image functionality in xamarin forms, In IOS i have DONE this functionality, using create "PageRenderer". But in android its not working, please help, Thanks
View ArticleVS2015 / VS2013 / Windows 10 / thoughts? :-)
Hi folks, I see a lot of chatter online about the new 2015 and mobile apps additions - anyone read a nice article talking about what future options have become of all this? I bought VS2013 recently and...
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