ListView transparent selection color for Cells
Hey Guys, How can I disable the selection Color of a ViewCell durable? I created an own CustomRender for iOS and ViewCell: public override UITableViewCell GetCell(Cell item, UITableViewCell...
View ArticleBug : Switching IsVisible on a button does not redraw the button
Hi, I have found something weird, when switching IsVisibility of several button embbedded in a stacklayout, using a viewModel (Commands and bindings) the buttons does not always redraws themself (on...
View ArticleHelp please: SetBinding(ImageCell.ImageSourceProperty, “IconSource”) (String)...
Hi all In my app I use master-detail-navigation menu with a few ImageCells in a list. Further, I have a search-page, with a ListView containing also ImageCells. The imagename is stored as string in a...
View ArticleHow to create Label with border?
How to make border just for label? I was trying to search, what views can realize border properties, but I've found only button. Maybe should I cotain label in some easy layout?
View ArticleEquivalent of ResignFirstResponder in Xamarin Forms
Hi, is there an equivalent of ResignFirstResponder in Xamarin Forms? I need to dismiss the keyboard after i populate the listview with results. Thanks
View ArticleListView itemtapped event stops working on Android
I don't want nothing more, just handle ListView's itemtapped event. When I open the page first time, it works. BUT When I navigate to another page with tabs, and later navigate to the listview page...
View ArticleTouchesBegan doesn't work in iOS
I'm trying to handle start of touch in iOS project using TouchesBegan event. I've done everything, that is described here . Gestures like pan, swipe, longpress and so on work fine and I'm trying to...
View Article[Android] "The 'LinkAssemblies' task failed unexpectedly"
I'm getting this error in my Forms app. My app targets Android 14. I did not create it from the Xamarin.Forms project template, but rather re-purposed the original app while trying to upgrade to...
View ArticleBound Field in Xamarin
I need bound field in Xamarin grid PCL. Please help me. Thanks in advance
View ArticleCreating a grid layout in C#
Hi, I was curious about how can I create a Grid layout using xamarin forms in C# without any xaml. I don't find the properties for rowCouunt, columnCount, orientation, etc in the Grid() constructor....
View ArticleUnable to use WCF within Android app
I receive the following exception when attempting to invoke a WCF service within my Droid project: "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" I am not sure what I am doing wrong....
View ArticleMR.Gestures handles ALL touch gestures
With MR.Gestures you can handle the Tapping, Tapped, DoupleTapped, LongPressing, LongPressed, Panning, Panned, Swiped, Pinching, Pinched, Rotating and Rotated gestures on all layouts, cells, views and...
View ArticleAccess UI threads dispatcher from Xamarin.Forms ContentPage
Can anyone recommend the best way to schedule some work on the UI threads dispatcher when you're within a ContentPage. We don't seem to have access to the being invoke method? Thanks.
View ArticleSet default camera resolution in Xamarin.Forms
I'm using the Xamarin.Forms Labs project for my MediaPicker when taking photos from both the Android and iOS platforms. (We are not implemented WP). On my physical device, my camera has 6 different...
View ArticleNavigation Bar left Toolbar button
Does anyone know any way to add a toolbar item to the left side of a navigation bar instead of the right?
View ArticleAndroid accessibility Font Sizes - how it affects forms
Similar to this question: I got my app to fit and look good on phones and tablets, then to my horror I discovered that...
View Articlei have code for requesting put method to update data, and getting status code...
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); //client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); string url =...
View ArticleListview multiple selection,deletion and updation using Xamarin forms
Hi Is there any way that we can implement a list view with Checkbook.Once you click on the checked items all the checked items will be removed and update the items in the list.??? If Yes suggest me . I...
View ArticleI am trying to implement the listview with checkboxes But I dont know how to...
Hi , I am implementing a listView with check boxes in click of the checked items it should delete and update the listview .But I dont know to get the checked item that I have given in the listView....
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