Localization on Android via TodoLocalized example not working
Someone succeeded to work successfully with the sample code "TodoLocalized" on Android? here: https://developer.xamarin.com/samples/xamarin-forms/TodoLocalized/ it's working on ios , but on Android no...
View ArticleAdvanced RelativeLayout Constraints in XAML
Is it possible (IN XAML) to establish the position of an element depending on the position of a second object and the height of the Parent? The conceptual formula would be this: PrimaryObject.X = (...
View ArticleDocumentation for Namespaces Below Xamarin.Forms
Looking at the API Documentation for Xamarin.Forms, I see the following three namespaces: Xamarin.Forms.Core Xamarin.Forms.Maps Xamarin.Forms.Xaml I can't find the documentation for classes that are in...
View ArticleHas anyone figured out how to play sound in Xamarin forms? Preferably Android?
I am looking to make an app that uses sounds, but Xamarin.Forms does not have support for sound, and I tried using the tutorial for the media player in Xamarin.Android, but it seems google changed the...
View ArticleView Model instantiating multiple times
Hi, I have read that this problem had been fixed but I am experiencing it with Forms.xaml v1.4. Here is my setup: the view model is referenced in the view xaml like so BindingContext="{Binding...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms and local notification
Hi, I'm new to Xamarin, and interested to understand for a Xamarin.Forms application using PCL, if local notifications can be implemented in the PCL or is it a device specific function? And if there is...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Labs Camera Issues
Hi guys, I already implement Xamarin.Forms.Labs into project and use the sample code to test. It doesn't show any error when i clicked the button, but it does not response anything. Please kindly help...
View ArticleXF Android app crashes on 1st retart after exit.
This is what is happening: Start the app. Exit the app by tapping on the Back key. Restart the app by tapping on its icon. Booooom - a Java language Runtime Exception occurs. The error lines are given...
View ArticleRendering a DisplayActionSheet with ObservableCollection data in Xamarin...
I am building a new BLE app in Xamarin.Forms, using the Monkey.Robotics component. I am using this Heart Rate sample as a starting point. However, I want a dashboard type homepage, where received...
View ArticleHow to modify the font size of title on windows phone?
I have developed an app in Xamarin forms. Now, I am working to support the app on windows phone 8.1. In this, I am facing the issue font size of the title is large on the navigation header. Any one has...
View ArticleWinRT popping modal with Editor results in crash
I have a simple xaml page with an Editor which is displayed as modal. If I call Navigation.PopModalAsync the app crashes (happens on WinpPhone and Win8.1) System.NullReferenceException: Object...
View ArticleXF Android app erasing app's private data when built with code changes
Whenever there are code changes the app is replaced totally on build and deployment. This is erasing the data files that were created in earlier use of the app, like saved ListView items. How can I...
View ArticleHow to show cartoon animation in Xama.Forms
A customer asked us for an app (Android & iOS) with an animated, cartoon like, assistant, like the old WinWord clip assistant to understand. Practically the app, according to certain events, must...
View ArticleSetting a XAML Icon to show an activity indicator when clicked
Hi, I have an icon on my app, which when it is clicked, I would like to change it to an activity indicator. It looks as though I should use a Trigger, Event Triggers look good, but as my image is...
View ArticleXAML Parser / Compiler Bug
Just discovered that a extra '>' can slip through compilation and cause a runtime crash. I have a DataTemplate in Resources that looks like this: <ResourceDictionary>...
View ArticleXamarin.Social Update
The reviews on xamarin.social indicate that it needs a big API update, is there any timeline on this?
View ArticleSelecting Text When Enrty is Focused
I want users to overwrite text when they focused to the Entry with some default Text. Placeholders doesn't work for me. I need to select the text whenever I click to Entry. Is its possible?
View ArticleHow to add OxyPlot to a Xamarin Forms xaml Page
Hi. Im trying to include oxyplot into a Xamarin.Forms-Project This is my Xaml.cs file where Im building the PlotModel. ` private void GeneratePlot() { var Points = new List { new DataPoint(0, 0), new...
View ArticleLanguage Support Example code
Hi , Anybody have sample code which will demonstrate the language support for single screen like if I select Hindi all the text and UI text should become Hindi text. In Windows platform.I tried to add...
View ArticleCopy Paste HTML
Hi, I have new in Xamarin Forms, I need to implement Copy and Paste HTML template using xamarin Forms. In ios i have Done this implementation. but in android i did not have find any solution. In...
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