[XAML] ListView items not appearing
Hey guys, I set this Labels associated with the ListViews. When you tap the Label, the ListView should appear with its options. But when I tap the Label, the ListView opens empty, with none of its...
View ArticleInstantiating DataTemplate in XAML
May be silly question, but is it possible to instantiate DataTemplate class in XAML without ListView? If I make it inside ContentView, it throws a XamlParseException: Cannot assign property "Content":...
View ArticleUsing Xamarin.Forms.Maps for offline use?
Hello Is it possible to use Xamarin.forms.maps for offline use? and if it is, any documentation on it? Else if I wanna add OsmSharp to Xamarin.forms, how do i make custom renderer, that renders Map...
View ArticleContentPage.Resources not found.
HI guys, Given the following xaml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ContentPage.Content> <ContentPage.Resources> <LayoutOptions x:Key="vertOptions" Alignment="Center"...
View ArticleAdding Pull To Refresh to ListView for iOS :)
I love pull to refresh and I wanted to add it to iOS. Mark's video is awesome showing you how to use custom renderers, so I applied his practices to iOS:...
View Article[Guide + Code] Adding Pull To Refresh to Xamarin.Forms Android apps
I already posted about how you can do this on iOS with a custom TableViewRenderer, however last night I finally got it working on Android using the Support v4 SwipeRefreshLayout: Here is my blog post...
View ArticleHow to change the highlight color for selected item in the listview?
I'm working with Xamarin Forms ListView and trying to change the highlight color for selected item because right now for Android version, the highlighted item has black color. I'm using DataTemplate to...
View ArticleInApp-Billing
Hey folks, as I'm taking huge steps to release our app, I'm now at the point where I have to implement a payment function. And I was curious if anyone here used the InApp-Billing Components from the...
View ArticleImplement interface in a IOS controller
Hi I have a small application that use Xamarin.Forms, I now need to implement InApp purchases for the IOS version. I read about the InAppPurchases component, that I found in the component store, and it...
View ArticleXamarin.InAppPurchase from Xamarin.Forms?
What's the best way to navigate to a purchase page from Forms? A custom renderer? Just wondering if anyone has any pointers, really. Obviously this part is going to be iOS-specific... i'm only...
View Article[TabbedPage] Change colors of tabs in Android
Depending on the Android theme, the tabs are showing with different background and text colors. What is the best way of customize the tabs colors? Thanks
View ArticleXamarin Forms Labs Camera
How do I use the camera feature from xamarin forms labs? How do I implement the code and such?
View ArticleFormat of BLE Services in Monkey Robotics
I am working on the monkey.robotics component for my xamarin.forms BLE app. I want to connect to a device using the standard Heart Rate profile. So I would like to skip the standard enumeration step...
View ArticleCan anyone explain this windows behaviour?
Hello, Can anyone explain to me why this code throws an unauthorized exception (only on windows): public App() { var page = new ContentPage(); page.Content = new Button { Text = "Change content",...
View ArticleXF Android app erasing app's private data when built with code changes
Whenever there are code changes the app is replaced totally on build and deployment. This is erasing the data files that were created in earlier use of the app, like saved ListView items. How can I...
View ArticleAdding png to Resources\Drawable hangs Visual Studio
Every time I add a png to Visual Studio in our Xamarin.Forms Android project, Visual Studio hangs. Not sure what is causing it, but I didn't have the same issue when adding the first image to the...
View ArticleXamarin Forms GeoTag Camera iOS/Android
Hi all, I am having trouble trying to save an image in iOS with metadata (GPS data) information. Using the ALAssets library I am able to save the image w/ metadata to the photos library. var photo =...
View Articleimagecell set image size/aspect?
I'm having a hard time believing that this can't be done. am I doing somethign wrong? how do I specify the size for the image in the imagecell?
View ArticleHow to remove separator lines in Listview??
Hi, How to remove separator lines in Listview??
View Articlecan not run a release build on WP81 device
HI I REALLY have a HUGE problem with my xamarin.forms app. I'm using 1.4.1 and working with System.Net.Http within my PCL. Works fine on android and iOS. Apps already submitted to app store. It also...
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