Draw chart in Xamarin.Forms
What is the best way to draw chart in Xamarin Forms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlestick_chart I think the best way to use: ScrollView, StackLayout and BoxView. What do you think?
View ArticleButton inside ListView
Hi all, I think I have found a possible bug on Xamarin Forms (android): when you add a button to a ListView ViewCell, the selectedItem binding property stops working on Android (it still works on iOS)....
View ArticleHeader with gradient
Hello, Is it possible to create a header with a gradient color in Forms? How can i do it? Thanks!
View ArticleAndroid button with image and text programatically?
How can I achieve this: <Button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/button_text" android:drawableLeft="@drawable/button_icon" ... /> via...
View ArticleHow to retrieve mail attachments using IMAP ?
How to retrieve and download mail attachments using IMAP ?.
View ArticleSignature pad Return 0 btye for Android
I am Implemented the Signature Pad in Xamarin forms. I draw the some signature. When I tried to get the image from Signature Pad object with "GetImage(type)" function. it returns 0 bytes. Please help...
View ArticleFile Upload Control not working in web view
Hi, I am loading my HTML web page into Xamarin Forms Web View control. In the HTML web page there is one File Upload Control for Image upload. Here The Upload control is not working in Mobile. Thanks
View ArticleHow To Store User Session To Stay Logged In
Hi everyone. How can i store the user session data to stay logged in? Thanks!
View ArticleXamarin Forms and Estimote SDK?
Hi, I'm planning to develop a simple/basic iOs and android app using the estimote iBeacon android and iOs SDKs: https://components.xamarin.com/view/estimotesdk...
View ArticleVisibility for cell based items
Hi all, Just starting to take a look at the Xamarin.Forms documentation to understand the possibilities provided by this new assembly. Does anyone know if it is possible to manage the visibility of a...
View Articleis there a tutorial for this Facebook SDK for Xamarin
Hi, i am working in xamarin forms, and i want to integrate facebook authentication, but I am not sure how to do it, I found this component Facebook SDK for Xamarin
View ArticleFix for Button Layout Bug on Android
If you've run into the same problems with layout on buttons that I have where when you either add other controls, or even just do things like set text on labels, and you're finding that the Button text...
View ArticleLooking to pop up an alert like displayalert() but from the View Model...
I am using Xamarin Forms Labs and a PCL. I am using the ViewFactory to bind the Views to the View Models. Other than creating a separate alert view and view model, is there a way to get access to that...
View ArticleSystem.Runtime reference in Visual Studio ?
Hi guys, I'm using Visual Studio 2015 and the newest Version of Xamarin-Android and Xamarin-Forms. I always get the following error messages like on the picture that I have attached to this post. And...
View ArticleGestureRecognizers (iOS) issue in
I have a Label ' = ' with a TapGestureRecognizer on the accordion nav bar in the linked example which fails to fire, past the first item above the root, in the Navigation stack. The bar below the...
View ArticleAndroid font size change reverts to default font
I have a custom renderer for a Label that implements the use of custom fonts and works with system fonts as well. For whatever reason when I change the size of the font the font reverts back to the...
View ArticleHow to get Device Width/Height?
I'm trying to get the Device Width/Height, but everything I do comes back with -1 I'm trying public class SomePage: ContentPage { private readonly StackLayout content; public SomePage() { content = new...
View ArticleIs there any File/Image Upload Control in xamarin forms
Hi, Is the any control for File/Image Upload in xamarin forms
View ArticleStop Webview from bouncing vertically in xamarin forms
Hi, I want to stop web view from bouncing vertically in xamarin forms. In Android mobiles web view is not bouncing, Only in iOS mobiles. Thanks
View ArticleBindingContext problem with a ListView
I have a StackLayout which displays the selected item from a ListView. The way I did this is that I set the BindingContext of the StackLayout to ListView's ItemSelected. However, I want the binding to...
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