Quickstart-guide to start developing with Xamarin(.Forms)
Hi all I have created a description (.pdf) how to start work with Xamarin(.Forms) and Visual-Studio. It contains a lot of information's for starters but also information's, like "how to use the forum",...
View ArticleContribute to the Xamarin Forms Toolkit
Hi, i just started a open source project with the aim to fill the gap for some missing controls on Xamarin Forms, as well as providing to the community helpers/services to help cross platform...
View ArticleAdding SQLite file to the apps bundle
Hi, I am currently using an SQLite db file throughout my app which works fine. However, every example that I see whether it is in the sample on the xamarin developer documentation or in questions...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms and the Camera
G'day, For the life of me I can't get the camera to work with Xamarin.Forms. If I try MediaPicker.TakePhotoAsync or the Xamrin.Forms.Labs camera facility I get a black screen and it hangs. If I try...
View ArticleMasterDetail & Tabbed pages have unexpected results on Android
Hi! I just started out with the (awesome) Xamarin.Forms, but bumped into a problem yesterday that I can't seem to figure out. I created a MasterDetail page that contains two Menu options: One that...
View Article[TabbedPage] Change colors of tabs in Android
Depending on the Android theme, the tabs are showing with different background and text colors. What is the best way of customize the tabs colors? Thanks
View ArticleAnimate adding/removing cells in a TableSection in iOS?
I have a simple tableview with a number of table sections, one of the sections has a SwitchCell that when toggled it adds/removes cells from another section. In the 'good ole days' of MT.Dialog I could...
View ArticleMultiple alerts with messagingcenter subscription
Hello, I've a simple questione that I was unable to solve until now. I've a viewmodel that try to load a list and a view that use it as bindingcontext. I want that when the viewmodel fails to load the...
View ArticleTwitter Login using OAuth
Hello, I'm trying to do a Login with Twitter using Xamarin.Auth, on Android I had to use a custom schema url and works well, but on iOS after the webview is displayed a screen saying "Redirecting you...
View Articlelistview expandeble in Xamarin forms
anyone have a simple example of a listview expandeble in Xamarin forms ? I need urgent help
View ArticleWhat settings do i need to set in Developers.Facebook.com to enable...
Hi folks, I'm trying to get Facebook OAuth to work in my Xamarin Forms app. I can get the facebook UI to show but it errors: Given URL is not permitted by the Application configuration: One or more of...
View ArticleUsing Xamarin.Forms.Maps for offline use?
Hello Is it possible to use Xamarin.forms.maps for offline use? and if it is, any documentation on it? Else if I wanna add OsmSharp to Xamarin.forms, how do i make custom renderer, that renders Map...
View ArticleImageSource to Stream
Hey guys, I am trying to persist a user photo by converting it to a byte array. The initial placeholder image is loaded using xaml and static resources. The holdup is, that ImageSource is a XF Element...
View ArticleDropBox Dropin Crashes when a file is selected in Xamarin.Forms Android Page
I have implemented platform-specific pages for Android and iOS to allow a user to select a file to use within my app. In the Android version, everything works as expected on my Samsung Galaxy Note 4...
View ArticleImage Placeholder
Just wondering whether there is built in functionality to set a placeholder image for an Image control? I have the ImageSource property bound to an HTTP URL and I'd like an image to display while the...
View ArticleCustom fonts on Windows Phone not working
Hi, I am trying to integrate custom fonts into my Forms App. I got iOS and Android to work, but it doesn't seem to work properly with windows phone. The custom font is not showing up. Just for...
View ArticleDependency Service Sample does not work
I tried runnign the Dependency Service Sample and it falls short running on iOS 8.4, either on device or in simulator. Works fine on Android. It seems there's a bug in iOS with the AVSpeechSynthesizer...
View ArticleSamsung Galaxy SII - Android 4.1.2 SearchBar problem
In Samsung Galaxy SII - Android 4.1.2 I can only input one character in the searchbar. Could be this a bug? Alessandro
View ArticleXLabs Geolocator Not Working
I'm trying to use the XLabs Geolocator, but have been running into issues in Android (I haven't tried IOS yet). I'm able to get an instance of Geolocator, however, Geolocator.IsGeolocationAvailable and...
View ArticleCustom TabbedRenderer to set tab text color on Android
I found an iOS render: http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/17811/tabbedpage-tabbar-background-color-tint but I can't seem to find a similar Android rendered to set to set the tab text color. I found a...
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