WinRT 8.1 crash on Init(e) on Xamarin.Forms 1.5.*
Hi. I have used Xamarin.Forms on Android, WP8.0 and WinRT8.1 When I upgraded Xamarin.Forms from 1.4 to 1.5 WinRTstop working. I got this error when calling Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(e): Error HRESULT...
View ArticleImplementing INotifyPropertyChanged in xamarin.forms
I am doing a cart in xamarin.forms, in my cart page there is a list view with data. Each of the cell containing a button to select the count of item and amount. In the cart view there is a label for...
View ArticleIOS Code signing key not found in keychain
I'm getting this error trying to debug an IOS app with a device target. I've provisioned everything according to...
View ArticleXamarin Android OutOfMemoryError
Anyone knows what this should be, im getting the following error before the app crash `` [Choreographer] Skipped 57 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. [MonoDroid]...
View ArticleChange and control device orientation programmatically in Xamarin.forms
Hi, Is there any cross-platform way to change/control device/UI orientation programmatically in Xamarin.forms ? Suppose i an writing a cross-platform app using Xamarin.forms where i have 2 pages. After...
View ArticleHow do I center-align listview items?
How do I center listview items within a Xamarin.Forms app? I have the following code: <ListView Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" ItemsSource="{Binding Results}" HorizontalOptions="Center">...
View ArticleCan't deploy to iPhone
Cross-posting this from the Visual Studio forum, since it hasn't gotten a response in 24 hours. Hopefully I can get some attention here. Whenever I try to run on an iPhone, Visual Studio hangs for a...
View ArticleExceeded Retry Count of 10
I have updated to the latest Xamarin.Forms. I am using Visual Studio 2013. Since I updated to the latest Xamarin for Visual Studio this morning, I am getting these issues all of the time in Windows...
View ArticleAnroid Service in Xamarin.Forms application
I would like to implement Background Streaming Audio in simple podcast player. I have SoundService and ViewModel implemented , but I am still not sure how to implement this Android Service from...
View ArticleUse a ListView like it is a TableView
Currently I am using a TableView to show different kind of custom view cells. Now I want to add the pull to refresh functionality to the TableView. Unfortunately, a TableView does not support...
View ArticleHow are people handling in-app purchases in their XF apps?
If you are handling in-app purchases in XF apps, how are you doing it? I'd like to only have to code up one method, that would then work across all XF platforms (Android, iOS, WinPhone, Windows), as...
View ArticleHow to use defined color from App.xaml in style
I have color defined in app.xaml <Color x:Key="TablePageColor" Accent="#EFEFF4" /> Is where way to use this color in style what defined in same app.xaml? For example: <Style...
View ArticleIs there a rich text editor component for use in Xamarin.Forms apps...
Does anybody know of a rich text editor component for use in Xamarin.Forms apps (including for Windows)? Many thanks, John H.
View ArticleDisplaying Placeholder text on a DatePicker - Can't get this to work
I followed the renderer here: However, the text is never displayed and the datepicker always shows todays date when...
View ArticleHow to change Android page animation in Xamarin Forms
How can I change the page animation in Android for Xamarin Forms? I want it to slide similar to how iOS handles it.
View ArticleXLabs.Forms in NuGet needs to be updated - Still referencing XF 1.4
@SKall Hope you are recompiling. I got "Cannot resolve dependency to assembly" errors in WP but not in Android project. I am yet to test iOS one.
View ArticleRendererFactory.GetRenderer() - is it bug - child content?
Is it bug that RendererFactory.GetRenderer(Forms.View) doesn't return child content? For instance if you call this with non-empty Grid (for ex. with few buttons) only the Top-Level element would be...
View ArticleActivityIndicator Color on PullToRefresh in ListView
I'm using PullToRefresh in my ListView. When the ItemsSource of my ListView is empty the displayed ActivityIndicator on a PullToRefresh operation is black, when the ItemsSource has items in it the...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Labs Geolocator Issue
Anybody encountered this issue when using DependencyService like - var geolocator = DependencyService.Get (); in Xamarin Forms Labs Geolocator? Could not load type...
View Articleerror when set Selected Item or Current Page in Carousel Page (Android)
I tried to set Selected Item and Current Page in Carousel Page when i want to see specific item when Carousel page showing. But it's not working. First item or 2 last item of ItemsSource work correct,...
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