Is there a way to get a better stack trace?
I thought I asked this question earlier, but I don't see it now. Lately it seems when my app crashes on Android I get a fairly worthless stack trace. The current stack trace I have looks like this:...
View ArticlePossible bug - Sqlite/DateTime
I have an entity that contains a property of "DateTime" type. I save it to the database, then I load it from the database => the Hour is 3 hours back always!!! The other values (Year, Month, Day,...
View ArticleHow to config MvvmLight to Xamarin.Forms?
First I must to thanks to @Milk ( and @Avery ( You send to me and help me.But I'm in China. I can not to send to your E-mail. It has a limit. So I want to...
View ArticleListview on iOS 9 not filling screen width - issue with custom ViewCell
In iOS8 a simple Listview would have separator lines that filled the width (especially in landscape mode) In iOS9 the Listview separator lines no longer fill the full width on a landscape iPad mini....
View ArticleBinding Object in ViewCell
I am trying to implement context actions in my viewcells. I'd like to add two different menu actions based on a property of the object binded in the view cells. I have a listview of objects, when i...
View ArticleScrollView still overlapping its bounds on Android when contents are added to...
So I am still having the same bug with the ScrollView in Android. When I add controls to the content of my ScrollView after its been added to the visual tree, it overflows its bounds. This problem is...
View ArticleLabel, fontsize and extra top space on android
Hi, I have a label within an absolute layout with a fixed height. I have YAlign="Center". Then I increase the fontsize in order for the text to take the whole space in height. It is working fine with...
View ArticleCurrentPageChanged Event in Xamarin Forms Android for an Carosuel Page is not...
I have anCarosuel Page on the swipe of from left to right vice versa the content page is changing ,but it is not hitting the CurrentPageChanged Event as I have something needs to done over there. Does...
View ArticleEmbed ZXing barcode scanner in Xamarin.Forms
I have a tabbed layout with three tabs, and on one of the tabs I would like to embed the barcode scanner. I have tried a custom renderer, it displays the barcode scanner, but it is not embedded in the...
View ArticleCalendarView
Am i the only one where Xamarin.Forms.Labs.CalendarView does nothing? I just see a blank region and cant get it working :-/
View ArticleNeed to get message back to Forms PCL from Android Prj
I have a RadiusNetworks IBeaconAndroid running in my main android project, works great. But when I need to send an event back to the UI when a beacon comes in range. I tried to use MessagingCenter to...
View ArticlePicker Selection Event
Hi, I have a problem with xamarin form picker. I need to have an event when the "done" (ios) or "ok" (android) button was clicked. Cause i want to open a popup when user select an item. I only see a...
View ArticleHas anybody used a WebView within their XF app for getting data from the user?
I'm just thinking about how to embed a Rich Text Editor within a page of my XF app. As there doesn't seem to be a Rich Text Editor control available yet, I was wondering whether it might be easiest to...
View Articlehow to load Windows Authentication enabled site in WebView?
Hi, I have to load the windows authentication enabled site in webview. Is it possible. Thanks/vishnu
View ArticleWhen I run my application on emulator or device, the main screen doesn't show.
When I run my application on emulator or device, the main screen doesn't show. Last line of Application Output: [OpenGLRenderer] Enabling debug mode 0
View ArticleXamarin.Forms tiled background image?
I've seen a few old threads about tiled backgrounds, but they're either abandoned with no answer or they were not about Xamarin.Forms specifically, but about how to implement tiled backgrounds on each...
View ArticleHow to add resources to custom xaml ViewCell
Hi all. As you know in xaml for each content page you can specify it's resource dictionary and use them like this <ContentPage xmlns=""...
View ArticleAdding Pull To Refresh to ListView for iOS :)
I love pull to refresh and I wanted to add it to iOS. Mark's video is awesome showing you how to use custom renderers, so I applied his practices to iOS:...
View ArticleLocalize splash/launch image for android and iOS
How could you localize the launch image on iOS and android? I know you can edit an image properties on Xcode, but how do you this on Xamarin? (see image below) For android I'm using the tutorial on...
View ArticleAn exception has been encountered. This may be caused by an extension.
Hi, Every time that I start a debugging session, when the debugger hits a break-point Visual Studio shows this error: "An exception has been encountered. This may be caused by an extension." Then on...
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