IOS - ScrollView doesnt work on device
Hello, I got the following Problem - Currently I am trying to output a Datagrid (Zumero) in a Stacklayout located in a ScrollView. <ScrollView > <StackLayout x:Name="Scroll" Padding =...
View ArticleSplash Screen on an Xamarin Forms App (iOS)
Hi all, I'm beginning to love this platform!! I do have an issue that is bugging me and I just can't seem to get to work. The iOS splash Screen. I have all of the App Icons, Spotlight & Settings...
View ArticleCan't get PopToRootAsync working
I start my app showing a main page. From there the user goes through multiple pages until the app should go back to the main page. When I click the final button which should take me back nothing...
View ArticleHybridWebView LoadContent with base URL
Hi, I'm trying trying to use the XLabs HybridWebView (HWV) to load HTML from a string while using resources from the assets/resources folders on iOS & Android. If I'm using LoadFromContent with a...
View ArticleWindows Phone pull to refresh not working when ListView has few items
We're using Xamarin Forms We have a page with a ListView that has pull to refresh enabled. For Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1, when the ListView doesn't have enough items to fit the screen...
View ArticleHow to intercept Navigation Bar Back Button Clicked in Xamarin Forms?
I have a xamarin forms page where the user can update some data in a form. I need to intercept the Navigation Bar Back Button Clicked to warn the user if some data have not been saved.How to do it? I'm...
View ArticleMasterpage and navigation !!
In reference to this link this example is working quite fine but the...
View ArticleHow to assign badges to an image in Xamarin Forms ?
How to implement badges in Xamarin Forms for any image ?
View ArticleFailed to allocate a XXX byte allocation with XXX free bytes and XXMB until OOM
Dear Sir, we are trying to establish a PCL class that loading images from URL, however sometimes when the image is oversized, the system will suffer from OOM and crash. May I know how can we intercept...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Drag and Drop on Button controls
Hi all, I am busy porting my android code to forms. I currently have buttons in android that are dragable. Using the Button control from Xamarin Forms there is no obvious way of doing this. With the...
View ArticleOnStart, OnSleep, and OnResume Are Not Getting Called
I created a new Blank Xamaring.Forms App called Test. I updated all packages, then changed the options in the Test.Droid project disabling the Use shared Mono runtime and settings the Supported ABIs to...
View ArticlePreload images in ListView
I have a listview that simply displays images. One after another. It's basically an where Url is a simple string. What I'm seeing is that the image is not loaded until the image scrolls into view. I...
View ArticleAccepting Android Voice Input
Trying some basic SearchBar with Map example. I'm running into odd behavior when accepting voice input as built into Android. I see the search bar populated with the text I'm speaking, but then it...
View ArticleBinding in code
Hi, in this documentation there are example code for binding using devexpress gridcontrol. In the...
View ArticleAnimating Height Of box view
This is my first foray into Animation for my Forms App. I have seen loads of examples for scaling box views, but thee all seem to scale both heigh and width. I want to scale just the height with...
View ArticleMVVM without xaml (binding issues)
Hi, I'm playing around with some code, trying to achieve the same thing with what I have already done with xaml, but now without it. So first of all I have simply created two .cs files one...
View ArticleListView: ScrollTo Header
Hi everyone, how can I scroll my ListView to the top when I have a Header so the Header is actually shown too?
View Articleresize images from the internet Xamarin forms
Good morning , I'm in big trouble , in my Image.Source 'm using ( "http: ... image ) , so far tuo well, but some images are coming very large thus causing the application to stop working , someone...
View ArticleOpen a Windows Page using Forms
Hello, Is this possible? I want to go to a Windows 8.1 page from a Xamarin.Forms page, and be able to handle .cs and .xaml native files (my intention is to develop a cross platform with maps, but...
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