Missing IntelliSense in Xamarin.Forms v1.5.1.6064-pre2
I know that this question has been raised already a few times on the forum but I still have this issue and I haven't been able to find a solution. I have created a fresh shared Xamarin.Forms project in...
View ArticleCan we get more info on a "could not load assembly" error?
I am trying to create android bindings for a third party jar file. They provided me with their jar as well as 4 other fourth party jars. I put all of these jars into a Binding Library. I build the...
View Articlexamarin android set launch icon
Hi, Am working on xamarin forms project. In that While opening my app, Have to set launch image for Android platform. Can you one answer me Thanks
View ArticleIssue with using xaml in a shared Xamarin.Forms project
I have a simple app built with Xamarin.Forms. I chose to use the shared project approach instead of PCL. I created a view in the shared project using code (no xaml) and it worked just fine. I then...
View ArticleXamarin 5.10 build 811 - No "iOS Application" Section For Setting "Version Code"
I'm running Xamarin 5.10 build 811 from the alpha channel and I'm trying to set the "Version Code", but I don't see the "iOS Application" section for setting the "Version Code" in the iOS project...
View ArticleImageButton
I am trying to use an ImageButton in a StackLayout and attempting to set the text of the button to be set below the image. However, the text is always displayed on the right side of the image instead...
View ArticleTailTruncation Issue
Hi, I have a form that has a grid that contains the following xaml: <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Row="1" Grid.RowSpan="1" Grid.Column="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"> <Label...
View ArticleNavigationBar BarBackgroundColor
I'm following the instructions here; https://www.syntaxismyui.com/xamarin-forms-masterdetail-page-navigation-recipe/ In rootpage.cs I'm setting the bar background color like so:...
View ArticleDynamic grid?!
Hi guys I've started using Xamarin forms for an app I'm working on. It's going _ok _so far, finding some stuff a bit of a struggle though. My latest issue is trying to implement some sort of dynamic...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms and MVVM Command Interface
Hello everyone! I'm writing my first Xamarin.Forms MVVM app and the following guide: developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/xamarin-forms/xaml-for-xamarin-forms/data_bindings_to_mvvm/ says that...
View ArticleWidth of a picker
Hi, I am trying to set the width of a picker with the HorizontalOptions property to CenterAndExpand or FillAndExpand but the width of the picker is the width of the tittle text. For example, my picker...
View ArticleMaster Detail Page With Detail Page Navigation Using MVVM
I creating application in xamarin forms and MVVMLIGHT library. In my application there is a a master detail page. How can I change detail page based on menu selection in master detail page.?
View ArticleBug in horizontal ScrollToAsync in Android
The new ScrollToAsync function seems to work well on iOS and Android until I came across a bug on Android. When I call ScrollToAsync the animation always jumps back to position 0 in ScrollView, after...
View ArticleForms 1.5.0 breaks 1.4's support for iOS 6.1
Looks like 1.5 has broken 1.4's support for iOS 6.1 (6.1 support is documented on the Forms requirements page). With a ListView.HasUnevenRows = true, I now get this exception: [UITableView...
View ArticleScrollView - height of view not adjust automatically
Hi, Scrollview working properly before if we define heightRequest property for it. I have a page with harder and footer images and middle area with scrollview, but it seems like if heightRequest not...
View ArticleActivity indicator in middle of screen of a scrollview page.
Hi, I have a content page that is a scrollview page. I need to place my activity indicator in middle of the screen. So even if the screen is scrolled, the activity indicator will be in middle of the...
View ArticleGrial UI Kit for Xamarin Forms (XAML Layouts)
Hey everybody! If you didn't know it yet. A few weeks ago we've launched Grial UI Kit the first user interface kit for Xamarin Forms. And as you could imagine we want everybody to know about it This...
View ArticleColor issues with ListView at run-time in iOS.
Hi, I am using ListView in my project and setting background color of parent grid as Red in its ItemTemplate when the item is selected and Transparent when unselected. It works fine when we select and...
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