Does anyone know how I can create a default text for empty tabbed page contents?
I have a TabbedPage that has a ListView. When (and if) one of the tabs are empty, I would like to show a default text (Label). I've tried playing with the CreateDefault() protected method but I don't...
View ArticleDeployment of Xamarin Forms projects built with Visual Studio to app stores...
There is documentation pertaining to the deployment of Android and iOS applications built on Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS respectively, but this documentation refers to apps built in Xamarin Studio....
View ArticleXamarin.Forms (V1.3) Android projects not recognizing Java installed on my...
I update my Mac's OS to Yosemite yesterday. Before the update I have uninstalled Android Player as it was anyway stopped working. I reinstalled Android Player (V0.1.1(1)) and downloaded Nexus 5...
View ArticleRemove rounded corners of UITextField
Hi! I want to remove the rounded corners of a UITextField using a custom renderer public class CustomEntryRenderer:EntryRenderer { protected override void OnElementChanged...
View ArticleCan I build a Forms App for this windows tablet?
I have a customer that wants an app specifically for this tablet: Chipset and Microprocessor: 1.8 GHz Intel Atom Z3735G Quad Core Processor Windows 8.1...
View ArticleMore errors with latest release
So I was able to compile with linker option set to "Do not link assemblies" I am losing my patience with this attitude at Xamarin that we are to be your beta testers. No confidence dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
View ArticleXamarin Forms 1.5.1 troubles on new project
(Using VS2015 on Windows 8.1) I created a new Xamarin Forms PCL project. The Xamarin forms version was 1.3.3.... I decided to get this upgraded to the latest-and-greatest. That process in itself went...
View Articlepush notification re launches app in android
Hi, I'm using the Xam.Plugin.Pushnotification package to implement cross platform push notification. It works fine on the iOS build and works mostly on the Android build. In iOS if a notification comes...
View ArticleListView firing ItemAppearing always on iOS
Hello everyone, i got a problem using the ListView event ItemAppearing, the problem is on IOS for each cell that the ListView loads the ListView fire the event itemAppearing instead of only when the...
View ArticleStarting with Xamarin.Forms 1.5.1 pre-2
Hello, I started to check the new pre release from Xamarin with Material Design support, and I get this java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to find application Mono.Android.Platform.ApiLevel_23 or...
View ArticleChecking Forms version programatically
Is there any easy way to check for current Forms version programmatically? There are scenarios in which it could be really handy (hacks for some bugs in earlier XF versions in custom controls, etc).
View ArticleOverlay and Image (building layout) on a map
I have an image with the office layout for my office. I want to overlay that on a map. I can create a rectangular version of the image and find the geocoordinates of the corners. How and I then add...
View ArticlePerformance
I have a Xamarin Forms project working with iOS and Android. Nothing special, some tabbed pages, and lots of navigation. Testing in: iOS -> Iphone 6. Android -> Samsung Galaxy S6 I'm having some...
View Articlexamrin activation error
hello all, i have mac book pro and i insatlled the xamrin but after installing and click on activating it gives me un handled error please help me out from this situation
View ArticleSystem.ArgumentException: 'jobject' must not be IntPtr.Zero
My app is crashing with the error message System.ArgumentException: 'jobject' must not be IntPtr.Zero . i checked the log files in the attachment .This is happening while i remove an item from my...
View ArticleSetting MainPage throws exception on Android
Hello all, I have a strange Android-only bug that throws when I go to set the App's MainPage. Here is the code that throws: private void onTryLoginComplete(object sender, EventArgs args) { try {...
View ArticleProblem with custom view with multiline UILabel
I'm creating a custom control from the ground. It basically has two labels inside a view, the view is resized based on the content of the labels (font, lines). All works as expected unless the labels...
View ArticleXAML button not triggering?
I have a XAML layout (see below), with a number of buttons. They were all previously working, but since I have updated some of the sizes and positions, one is not working any longer? It appears, but...
View ArticleContinuous shot using XLabs library
Hi, I'd like to ask how can I get the possibility to make continuous shot using XLabs library? When I run camera and try to make such shot I get notification: "Does not support continuous shot". Thanks
View ArticleListView does not update on scroll when the source is NOT modified
Hello, I ran into the following problem when using ListView in Forms. Here is how the list looks when it is loaded for the first time: Then, I scroll down to see other items with less stars: Then, I...
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