Custom renderer for HTML Label
Hi, I have the need to display HTML in a Label. Some webservice returns me HTML content that i need to show in a listview page and a detail one. The utilisation of a WebView will not be an answer...
View ArticleXml text reader can't find xml file
I'm trying to read a custom xml file which I'll then be loading the data into a ListView for a user to select. I've created the xml file, and placed it in the resources folder in another folder called...
View ArticleDevice info ( Id, name, platform and version)
How can I get Device infos in Xamarin.Forms?
View ArticleProblem with custom control ItemsSource
I'm having some trouble with a custom control. It's based very heavily on: In addition it's got bits learnt from the BindablePicker example I've found on...
View ArticleAdding Android Theme Causes Crash
Hi All, When I add a Theme to the Android build of my project, it crashes. When I change my Activity from this: [Activity (Label = "AppName", MainLauncher = true)] to this: [Activity (Label =...
View ArticleLabel LineBreakMode WordWrap behaves as CharacterWrap when using Bindings
I have a Label in which the Text or FormattedText property is populated with a binding towards a property on my ViewModel. The LineBreakMode has been set to WordWrap, but it behaves as a CharacterWrap....
View ArticlelistView ViewCell not adjusting it's size to content on iOS
I have a custom ViewCell that i use to populate a listView. It works like a charm on android, on iOS however i'm having issues. The cell has a Horizontal stackLayout with a box and a 2nd stackLayout,...
View ArticlePadding in Button
I've searched and found similar questions but no real answers. I have a Button. When the button appears in iOS there is no padding around the text. Look at the button labeled "Forgot Password". iOS...
View ArticleXamarin Maps - Location Services pop up
Hi, I am using the Xamarin.Forms.Maps.dll to display a map of a location for a meeting. I don't use the location of the device at any point and have no need to in the app at all. There is no code that...
View Articleimagecell set image size/aspect?
I'm having a hard time believing that this can't be done. am I doing somethign wrong? how do I specify the size for the image in the imagecell?
View ArticleHide the Master page of a MasterDetailPage in Landscape mode.
Hi, I created an app with a MasterDetailPage. My App work only in Landscape mode. On iPad when the App start, the Master Page is always visible. I try to set IsPresented = false but nothing change. It...
View ArticleCan't target Android 6.0
I have a Xamarin Forms app with a Droid project. I have Android 6.0 (API 23) installed via SDK Manager. But Xamarin Studio only shows up to 5.1 in Options / General / Target Framework. I reinstalled...
View Article[Android] Enabling scrolling for a WebView inside a ScrollView
I had this problem a while ago and I didn't found a complete solution for this here in the forum so I'm posting a solution using a Custom Renderer that is very simple and worked very well for me and I...
View ArticleCorrect place to store things securely
I'm doing some work with azure mobile services which requires me to store both an application key, and also cache user authentication information locally (not passwords, just a token). Is there a...
View ArticleLayout cycle detected. Layout could not complete. after resetting...
I am having an issue with the windows phone and a listview. The listview has a hundred or so items and the ItemsSource is changed based on a picker. So when a new item is selected from the picker I set...
View ArticleAttribute "circleCrop" has already been defined (APT0000) common_attrs.xml...
I upgraded from Xamarin.Forms.Maps to My solution contains several projects, including a lot of PCLs, two Android, and two iOS projects. Everything was building fine before the...
View ArticleCustom renderer problems for rendering Android's Actionbar's tabs
I've been trying to achieve a simple task: Changing the font of my Xamarin Forms Android app's tab bar items' font. I have a custom font and I've so far been successful using it elsewhere in the app....
View ArticleDisplayAlert on android crash
Is there a way to check if the activity exists on android side of Xamarin.Forms so that calling DisplayAlert doesn't crash like this: Java.Lang.RuntimeExceptionAttempt to invoke virtual method...
View ArticleCustom control with complex property in Xaml
Hi, I have created a cutom control MyControl ` public class MyControl : StackLayout { public static readonly BindableProperty LabelControlProperty = BindableProperty.Create<MyControl, Label>(p...
View ArticleCustom ButtonRenderer not called when my Activity inherits from...
My Custom ButtonRenderer does not get called since my Activity inherits from FormsAppCompatActivity instead of FormsApplicationActivity Is this a known issue? My custom renderer: [assembly:...
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