The type or namespace 'Page' could not be found
Hello, I have created Xamarin.Forms Portable blank app. In the PCL project, i have also added dll reference of Xamarin.Forms.Addin to resolve the error "Xamarin.Forms dll could not be found" error....
View ArticleUpdate to Xamarin Forms 1.5 and Xamarin.iOS for iOS 9 breaks SignalR Client...
Hi, I have a PCL 4.5 - Profile 7 Xamarin.Forms project that uses the Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client NuGet package (in the shared DLL project, not the device-specific projects). It doesn't do anything...
View ArticleHow to change ImageSource's Resolutions in Xamarin.ios
Hello Team, Currently i am working on ImageSource in Xamarin.Forms.ios. I want to display and save image in different resolutions . can anyone tel me how to do this..?
View ArticleHow to deal with 'JObject cannot be IntPtr.Zero' in listview item ?
I have a page in my app, where I show a list of files and their download progress ( using a progress bar). Each list item looks like this: Each list item is a custom cell, which I have rendered. The...
View ArticleIs it possible to disable spell checking of text shown in Picker view on...
On Android devices, words that are not recognised as correct spelling are underlined in red (see attached screenshot) when shown in a Picker view (before the view is expanded). Is there any way of...
View ArticleProblem with binding
Hi there, I've a small problem regarding binding. I have a ViewModel with 2 properties: ObservableCollection Comments and string Title. My listview looks as following: <ListView x:Name="listView"...
View ArticleGet Binding Path from View
There is a possible way to get the path of the Binding? <local:TestBasePage xmlns="" xmlns:x=""...
View ArticleHelp to a Listview GroupHeader
hi Friends i have a Question? in a ListView with a GroupHeader Is there any way to remove the jump lists?
View ArticleCan't download and open local PDF file on Android tablet device using Xamarin...
Hi, I am trying to write a test app in debug mode using the dependency service from Xamarin.forms to download a PDF file from the internet onto my app's special folder on my Lenovo Android tablet...
View ArticleHow to add a background image to my application
Hi Guys, I want to add a background image to my application for the look and feel. I know how to use the local and the embedded images but i want to make my entire application with a default image....
View ArticleApplication.Current.Properties dont work in Xamarin 2.0
Hi! Today I have updated my project and Application.Current.Properties dont work correctly. I could save value and read it while my app running, but is i stop and run agarin,...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms 2.0 issues
I just recompiled my project with Xamarin.Forms 2.0 and found Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync is not working as expected in "Release" mode. I used the following code to save the login email...
View ArticleHow best to implement error handling and timeout on WebView when loading a page?
I make use of WebView within my app. It seems to be a bit short on error handling and timeout handling, which occasionally results in, well... nothing - just a blank view. How can I: (1) get a status...
View ArticleXamarin.form elements are not rendering in android platform
I derived a class from StackLayout public class MyTestPage : StackLayout { public MyTestPage() { this.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "test" }); } } Also I wrote a custom ViewRenderer in android as...
View ArticleHandling ScrollView.Scrolled event in iOS
I have an XLabs ExtendedScrollView that contains a lot of text plus a little indicator at the bottom to let people know there is more content if they scroll down. I want the indicator to disappear if...
View Articleruntime binding errors
Where does xamarin studio log the runtime XAML binding errors? When I worked with VS, years ago, the binding errors were in the output window.
View ArticleWindows Phone 8.1 Text in lables missing
I have this really odd issue, not always bit some times I get the end of the text that has been bound into the label missing off. This happens in both emulator and physical device. The full text is in...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms iOS Can't Customize Notifications
I've been following the tutorial found at: to try and get push notifications to...
View ArticleAfter Xamarin Forms update, I'm getting reference errors
Hi folks! After updating to the latest xamarin forms release, I'm getting loads of errors in my projects. I never did any android development, and so maybe I'm missing something fundamental. I've...
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