Build not longer works after update to 2.0
Hello guys, My build will not work after updating Forms. The following error occurs: E:\App\MyApp\Droid\obj\Debug\resourcecache\486B225B82AB1EC110D07DE9C1008B62\res\values-v23\values-v23.xml(0,0):...
View ArticleIs there a way to override a Back button press on Android?
I'm having issues with a ContentPage in my app. It consists of a WebView that fills the screen. There are links that users can click to be taken to different pages within the webview (these are all...
View ArticleThe name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context on an...
Hello, I'm having issues on building android app - it fires this error on all pages. But building ios app goes fine. I've tried to build this project on windows and got the same error. Unfortunately...
View Article[Material] TextInputLayout Renderer (Floating Labels)
Just thought I'd throw this out there. If you want floating labels on your Entry (as found here (by JamesMontemagno)), I've thrown together a custom renderer that extends Entry. note: this requires the...
View Article"The type or namespace name 'App' does not exist in the namespace...
Apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere - I searched quite a bit before posting. I created a totally new project (Blank App, Xamarin.Forms Shared) via Visual Studio 2015 (running on...
View ArticleWhat is the most efficient chat api provider that integrates best with Xamarin?
I am wondering which chat API/server provider is most efficient, understandable, cost effective, and easily integrated with Xamarin - the following list: 1.) Buddy - 2.) Google Cloud...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms and Azure Mobile Service Error
Hi, I use Windows10, VS2015 Enterprice, Xamarin.Forms Portable Project. If I add Mobile Service Project without Azure hosting in Xamarin.Forms Portable Solution - everything works good. If I add Mobile...
View ArticleIssues With ImageSource Binding
Hi there, I have ran into a bit of a snag on a project. I am currently using a wcf service that returns an object which has a property called "ImageDataSource" which is the bytes of a bitmap image. I...
View ArticleDifferent output between Emulator and Samsung Galaxy S3 with Xamarin
I am having issues with the output of the the result of a math calculation. I have a basic average of an array of double and I assign the result to a Label object, using the ToString() method. When I...
View ArticleSetting the height of a BoxView as a percentage of the Grid which contains it...
Hi all, I've got a requirement to fill a bunch of boxes with a color based on a individual double properties on the viewmodel which represent the percentage "full" the box should be. These properties...
View ArticleListView.ScrollTo is broken on iOS / I need alternatives.
I'm having a tonne of trouble getting the ListView to ScrollTo the end in iOS, it's working fine in Android. I can see there is a bug related to it that has been marked as solved then reopened etc:...
View ArticleHow can I scroll to a specific row or section in a ListView
I have a Xamarin.Forms.ListView that contains events that are grouped by date. There are events that occur in future and events that occur in the past. Users would like to have their screen load with a...
View ArticleText color change Alert Dialog
I'm trying to change the color of the text of the warning dialog button, but I have no success. I try to change the buttons are on the attached image My style xml: Someone...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms working with 3rd party C# SDK
I'm trying to work with a REST service using a 3rd party C# SDK, but I can't add it as a reference to the PCL project and thus can't add the correct using statements. I'm new to development in...
View ArticleXLabs using microphone
Hi, I want to use microphone and i did this using XLabs AppDelegate class: `public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { Forms.Init (); this.SetIoc(); #region...
View ArticleCreate a File Chooser (upload) in Xamarin.Forms
Hi guys, i'd like to create a file chooser (file upload) in Xamarin.Forms but i don't find nothing. Do you have a solution? Thanks a lot.
View ArticleListView items with buttons/commands in them
Hi. I've been messing around with different kind of listitems, and one type of cell that I want to use is a cell with a button in it bound to a command, which sounds simple. However during the...
View Articleasync/await method crash web services response in android but same code work...
async/await method crash web services response in android but same code work successfully in window Phone and iOS apps in xamarin Native Appliation. Xamarin Native Application (PCL) I have created a...
View ArticleBinding: 'TestCommand' property not found on 'ProductClas', target property:...
Hello, Binding my ListView is working fine with my (MyBindableCollection), however, the button binding I'm getting error (Binding: 'TestCommand' property not found on 'ProductClas', target property:...
View ArticleWhy switch is not displayed in andorid (lollipop) 5.0 version?
when switch is in off mode it displayed like a circle not like switch? I want to display switch offmode as 0 and on mode as 1 in the lollipop version(5.0)? can any one help me? I want to do it. please...
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