while i debugging xamarin.forms its directly going to deploy to emulator, its...
while i debugging xamarin.forms its directly going to deploy to emulator, its not break to breaking point plz help me
View ArticleHow to overcome deploy clearing Application.Current.Properties on Android?
During development, I am repeatedly building and deploying to physical devices for testing. On iOS devices, even when I re-build and re-deploy, the values previously stored using...
View ArticleWill a Xamarin.Forms app run on a Mac?
I'm looking into evaluating Xamarin.Forms to use in our company. Looking through the literature it looks like apps created using Xamarin.Forms will run on Android, iOS, and Windows Phones, as well as...
View ArticleiOS, Android, Windows, WindowsPhone?
Hi all, I've read through several documentation and watched some videos but I'm still a bit confused.... I want to use the Indie license so I'm not able to use Visual Studio. Is my understanding...
View ArticleAndroid Resource issues after upgrading to Xamarin Forms 2.0
I have recently upgraded 2 machines from Xamarin Forms 1.x to 2.0. One machine is OK and Xamarin Forms projects build fine for Android. The other machine is having dreadful issues. We have tried...
View ArticleAny way to show a "Badge" on a Cart Image in the Navigation Toolbar?
Hi there, I've read previous discussions on this, but most are at least a year old. Is there any update on a way to do this in Xamarin Forms? The only alternative I've found is to create prerendered...
View ArticleBest Practices for implementing a Settings UI in Xamarin.Forms?
It is considered best practice in iOS to implement a Settings Bundle so the user can access your app settings from the iOS Settings app as well as from within your app. However, this is a unique...
View ArticleTabbedPage in MasterDetailPage not producing scrollable tabs
Hey everyone, I'm having an issue where I have a TabbedPage in a MasterDetailPage and the tabs are not scrollable. Instead they're getting squished to fit the screen. Any ideas what's going on? Page...
View ArticleXlabs.controls.BindableRadioGroup, Horizontal orientation issue in IOS project
Dear, I'm using the BindableRadioGroup (xlabs controls) and want to use the Horizontal Orientation. I used as Orientation="Horizontal". Its working in android project. But in IOS, the text is move down...
View ArticleQuestion on WebView control
Hi Guys, Have some question here on xamarin webview control. What happened if i display a URL in the webview ( e.g www.abc.com/admin) , and from the URL if user click login, there will be a pop up...
View ArticleMultiselect App stopped working in Windows Phone after xamarin.forms upgrade
Hi everyone, I am using the following app to get the multiselect functionality. https://github.com/TorbenK/Multiselect_Example After I upgraded from 1.5.X to latest version (2.X) of xamarin.forms, The...
View ArticleLine break in paragraph in Xamarin TextView
Hi All, Am binding lines of content(Dynamically) into TextView, it looks like a paragraph for whole content, how split paragraph while binding content into TextView, I tried \n, HTML line break but not...
View ArticleCross Platform Location Services
I am building a Xamarin.Forms (PCL) app, with some BLE data collection and Azure Mobile Services to push data entries to the cloud. I would like to add location services data to that, so I know where...
View ArticleAuthenticate Xamarin windows phone 8.1 Apps Using Azure Active Directory (no...
Hi Guys, We are developing Xamarin forms windows phone 8.1 App and we want to use Azure Active Directory for Authentication. (we are using Xamarin forms as in future we may develop app for ios, anroid)...
View ArticleCan anyone explain how to connect xamarin.forms application to my local sql...
Can anyone explain how to connect xamarin.forms application to my local sql server?
View ArticleStrange ImageSource behavior on Android (SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null)
Hi, I'm having trouble binding ImageSource with Android, If we consider following code: // Download image in custom format from internet var image = await _httpClient.GetMainThumbnail((long)id); //...
View ArticleBehavior issue
Good aftnernoon ladies and gents. My situation is as followed: - Portable project with a Custom Behavior in it. - Regular Xamarin project which has a reference to the Portable project in the Shared...
View ArticleHow do I add a small Popover with Forms?
I need to add a button that drops down a pop-over view like the attached image. How do I go about doing this using Forms so it is cross-platform.
View ArticleListView in ScrollView not scrolled
I have a RelativeLayout in ScrollView which contains ListView. When I want to scroll ListView scrolled RelativeLayout. But if I hold down ListView one finger, and scroll the other finger, it scrolled.
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