problem with search bar or string contain only on iOS ?
Hello, My program has a FAQ with a search bar : If you type words it does refresh a stacklayout containing all the questions to only the questions that contains the specified word / character. This...
View Articlexamarin forms stacklayout rounded corners
Hi, How we set stacklayout rounded corners in Xamarin Forms. Please Help. Thanks
View ArticleDoes BaseUrl still not work in Android?
I am downloading HTML content from cloud (html, css, js and image files) and want to render in my mobile app. I am storing the css, js and image files into a local folder and want those to be picked up...
View ArticleHow to access a method of MainActivity.cs class from xaml.cs page in...
HI, I am working on xamarin.forms shared app. I need to open gallery in android device to select multiple images. I created a method in MainActivity.cs class that opens the gallery for android device....
View ArticleXLabs and PCLStorage bug since Xamarin.Forms 2 update
I'm developing a cross-platform application (PCL) which worked like a charm before i decided to update "Xamarin.Forms" and "Xamarin.Forms.Maps" from version 1.3 to version Since that time,...
View ArticleBreakpoint is not hitting
Hi Team, In my xamarin studio breakpoint is not hitting even though I have done the below approaches. Please advise. Open the Project options Go to "Build -> Compiler -> General Options." Set...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms Splashscreen in Android
Hi, In Forms how to add SplashScreen to Android appliaction? Thanks in advance.
View ArticleXamarin.Forms lot of problems in Winphone 8
What happen this this version in windows phone 8? After update for this version from, Pickers disappeared the only thing i can see are a black vertical line ... the Entry object is strange...
View ArticleHow to use platform Idiom in Xaml
Although I can do the following in code, I want to do it in Xaml: if (Xamarin.Forms.Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone) { MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MyPage()); } else...
View ArticleHow to use sqlite in Xamarin.Forms?
I am new in Xamarin.form development so i need help to work with SQLite. Help Me
View Article[Material] TextInputLayout Renderer (Floating Labels)
Just thought I'd throw this out there. If you want floating labels on your Entry (as found here (by JamesMontemagno)), I've thrown together a custom renderer that extends Entry. note: this requires the...
View Articlefont size best practices?
I've been doing some R&D with Xamarin Forms for the past few days, basically trying to create a screen from a design we used for an iPhone app. For the most part, I can get things laid out where I...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms 1.5.1-pre2 Released
1.5.2-pre2 Notes Enhancements Bump dependencies to API 23 versions Bug Fixes Fix AssemblyFileVersion Fix AppCompat theming of button colors (no longer removes elevation) Fix XamlC errors with generic...
View ArticleCan't get location
Hi, I'm using Xamarin.Mobile to get the curernt location for the device. I have read the it does not work in the simulator. Now I have testet it on a device (IOS 9.1) But with no luck. The...
View ArticleAndroid ImageRenderer
Hi, I have the below code. I tried many way of doing it but basically it's like SetImageBitmap doesn't change the image once it's been displayed not matter if it's called again. I mean the first...
View ArticleHow can i enable bluetooth/GPS IN Xamarin forms?
Is there any way I can turn on bluetooth/gps via xamarin forms? Are there any samples?
View ArticleHow to center Label in RelativeLayout?
Hi, This question might be very simple, but how would you center a Label vertically in a RelativeLayout? Thanks
View ArticleIssue with iOS when adding a slider to a carousel page
I am trying to add a slider to a set of carousel pages but I have an issue with the slider on iOS. On iOS, when you touch the 'thumb' of the slider control to move the thumb and change the slider...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms Breaks the SearchBar Text and Placeholder Text on iOS
I updated my app in development to use Xamarin Forms 2.0 and the placeholder font for a SearchBar became darker and when typing, it is invisible. Here's some basic sample code to recreate the issue:...
View ArticleFind column index from TapRecogniser command on Grid
I have a Grid that has a TapRecogniser on and I would like to find what column was clicked when the user taps the Grid. I know that XLabs has a GridView that has an itemSelected command but the entire...
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