Customized Highlight color in ListView with ItemTemplate
Hi, i have a ListView with a customized ItemTemplate (e.g. StackLayout). If an item in the ListView is selected the item should be highlighted with a custom color. I tried already following solutions...
View ArticleEntryRenderer TextChanged
Hi everyone, I'm making an XF Android application, and i need the user to auto login when he types a code (after 4 digits). I've done a 'ExtendedEntry' class with a EntryRenderer to limits the...
View ArticleCreate FileImageSource from an iOS Asset Catalog Image Set
Today I got stuck on a thing I didn't expect to get stuck on: loading an image from Asset Catalog Image Set into Page.Icon property. I've placed my icon under /Resources/Images.xcassets/Card.imageset...
View ArticleUsing System.Servicemodel.Web in Xamarin.Forms app
Im working on a solution where i connect to a REST JSON api. If/when the Rest call fails i want to be able to display the error message to the user. When i catch an Exception in my C# Web Service i...
View ArticleHow to make listview inside a scrolllayout scrollable
I have a content page with stacklayout with search filters and a listview with custom viewcell item templated. The problem if there is to many data on the listview than the height of the parent i cant...
View ArticleHow to open new url in xamarin android app
I want to open an url whenever the button is clicked? how to do this without using webview controls...
View ArticleEntry Bottom Line
I want to add bottom lines to my entries. In android a line already appears. But I couldn't found a way to change it's color. 1)How can I change the color of the line that appears in Entries on...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms customize popups
Hi! I have a short question, is there a chance to create customized popups in Xamarin.forms. I think of a own Renderer or something like that. I would need that because I would like to show a popup...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms ios map renderer problem.
Hello, We have a project in IOS with custom map renderer where the code on debug works fine, but in release it works on iphones, but not on the ipads (tested ipad air 2 and ipad). After extensive...
View ArticleNo IOS simulator or device appear on Visual Studio
I'm with business account on build server and visual studio My build host is connected: On diagnose, just the last step isn't pass, is "out dated" The IOS project is the start up project. The...
View ArticleDisable Master part of MasterDetailPage
I'm using a MasterDetailPage for my RootViewController. When a user is not authenticated I set the Detail to a full screen login page. Is it possible to disable the master (navigation list) so that the...
View ArticleXamarin Forms 2 Package
Hello just updated to Xamarin Form 2, but can't find any informations about it ! Changelog ? Anything ? Thanks in advance !
View ArticleBest practice for sharing Tablet/Handheld UI
Hello I am thinking about creating a Xamarin.Forms application for both - iOS and Android. The question I have now is, how can I best create a UI that works both - on Tablets and Phones, without having...
View ArticleSaving Multiple Tab Control Values in TabbedPage
Hi, I am using the TabbedPage Tabbed Page as mentioned below with more than three tabs. After entering/selecting values in each tab, Finally i want to save all the values entered in each to Server by...
View ArticleStackLayout ItemTemplate
Hi! For my project I need to declare an itemTemplate in a stackLayout. With the traditional xaml I could declare something like that: < StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Fill"...
View ArticleTimePicker with 24 hour format dialog
Hi. How to set TimePicker show with format 24h for TimerPicker dialog? Format property of TimePicker is working for text entry and not for Timepicker dialog that popped. Tested in Android.
View ArticleCorrect way for updating data bound property from non-UI thread.
What is the correct way for updating data bound property from non-UI thread? Is it necessary to wrap code in a call to InvokeOnMainThread as it is described here:...
View ArticleBreak point hollow and cant step into Method
Hi there, I have the following code: public partial class LoginOrRegister : ContentPage { public LoginOrRegister () { InitializeComponent (); } protected override void OnAppearing () {...
View ArticleImageSource to Stream
Hey guys, I am trying to persist a user photo by converting it to a byte array. The initial placeholder image is loaded using xaml and static resources. The holdup is, that ImageSource is a XF Element...
View Article"InitializeComponent() does not exist in the current Content"
The Error "InitializeComponent does not exist in the current Content" came up after updating Xamarin.Forms 1.3.3 -> 1.5.1 via NuGet-Manager in VS2013. Is there any fix for this issue? The error also...
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