Check Internet connectivity
Hi, Can anybody suggest me how to check internet connectivity for both iOS and Android commonly using xamarin forms? Thanks, sunil
View ArticleIs it possible to add stack Layuout in toolbar to add controls in it?
Is it possible to add stack Layuout in toolbar to add controls in it? If yes please provide any sample with UI in XAML
View ArticleMoved: Exception on developer console, "You MUST call...
This discussion has been moved.
View ArticleSwipe to delete functionality for ListView using Xamarin Forms
Hi, Can anyone suggest me how to implement swipe to delete functionality which is a default functionality for listview in native iOS in xamarin forms for both Android and iOS. Thanks, sunil
View ArticleiOS ListView Cell remove MenuItem stays open on delete
Hi all, I've got a ListView with a swipe-to-remove button in my ViewCell, using following XAML: <ViewCell.ContextActions> <MenuItem Text="Remove" IsDestructive="true" Command="{Binding...
View ArticleObservable collection add children
I have an ObservableCollection, public class Company : ObservableCollection<Employee> { public Company(string P_companyName){ companyName = P_companyName; } public string companyName{ get; set; }...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms on Tablet and Smartphone
Hello, currently we port our html5 app to Xamarin. Can anybody say what is the best way to build and style the new App for Smartphone and Tablet. Did we need different Apps or can we solve this in only...
View ArticleIssue with Google analytics in Xamarin forms
I am implementing Google Analytics in Xamarin forms, I followed . As article says to add...
View ArticleTapGestureRecognizer on Map. I'm I actually this dumb?
I've dropped a TapGestureRecognizer onto a Map in hopes of being able to trigger a legend_close method. It doesn't trigger (iOS or Android). <AbsoluteLayout VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"...
View ArticleAcessing through a...
Hello, I have a doubt about Material Design on Android. I used the tutorial on this link and it worked. But I wrote a...
View ArticleUnable to add PCL reference to Android and iOS projects
I started having issues today building the Android and iOS mobile projects from my Xamarin.Forms solution This is very odd since it was working fine yesterday and I haven't installed or updated any...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms Label won't word wrap inside a Grid
I define a Grid like this: var easyGrid = new Grid(); easyGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = GridLength.Auto }); easyGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new...
View ArticleWeb Views on Xamarin.Forms Windows
Hi, I have a WebView which I use on my cross platform app and it looks fine, but on Windows the web views are smaller and scaled down and when I have a full screen web view it doesn't work. Does anyone...
View ArticleCreate Image from Layout
I am trying to use a Xamarin.Forms Layout (StackLayout, Grid, etc) and convert it to an image. I need to create an image from a layout (but never actually display it) using a width constraint, but let...
View ArticlePossible bug in newer versions of xamarin forms listview
I'm not sure if it is a bug, or if I'm doing something wrong, but it seems that ViewCellRenderer has stopped working in all versions of xamarin forms after My entire project relies on...
View ArticleChanging the background Color of the Popup-/Overflow-Menu on Android?
Hey together, has anyone already changed the Background Color of the Android PopupMenu in a Xamarin.Forms app? The following code in the Styles.xml should but has not worked for me: <style...
View ArticleCachedImage FFImageLoading for Xamarin.Forms or (new Forms features) DEMO:...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms book by Charles Petzold: new chapters to download
If you haven't been checking regularly, the Xamarin.Forms book page now has 24 chapters available for free download! You can download the complete Preview 2 ebook which includes 16 chapters in one easy...
View ArticleWhat happens to a timer after user navigates to another page?
If the user navigates to another page on the navigation stack, what happens to a running timer on the previous page? Does it keep running or pause/stop?
View ArticleBinding - Traslate XAML to code
Hello! How I can translate this XAML to code? Thanks in advance
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