How to modify the font size of title on windows phone?
I have developed an app in Xamarin forms. Now, I am working to support the app on windows phone 8.1. In this, I am facing the issue font size of the title is large on the navigation header. Any one has...
View ArticleTabbedpage at bottom of the screen
Is it possible to set the TabbedPage at the bottom for default. Left is Android, and I want it like the middle (iOS), I've searched for this but with no succes. The class looks like this; public class...
View ArticlePopup keyboard hides parts of the UI rather than resizing
I would like to create a screen that has a behavior similar to common chat apps e.g. Hangouts where there's a scrollable section of the page and an Entry with a Button underneath that updates the...
View ArticleWindows Phone 8.1 Navigation.PushAsync(new page()); Crash!!!!
Dear All, I got a Xamarin.Forms app that I've compiled and starts both on the emulator and phone (WP 8.1) then after a few calls from different pages to Navigation.PushAsync(new Page()); the app closes...
View ArticleGenerics question/issues
Hi there. I am working on an abstract datamanager class that will take any class we throw at it and do simple crud interface with it. I am having an issue with some generics in the save call and was...
View ArticleIs it possible to hide a ToolbarItem?
If a ToolbarItem has been added to the Navigation bar, is it possible to conditionally hide/show it? Consider the use-case of showing a "Save" button when an Editor field is dirty, but hiding the...
View ArticleCrash 'NaN is not a valid value for height' on physical device after pull to...
After testing my Xamarin.Forms app in IOS simulator for a while, I started to do so on a physical device. On simulator it works without any problem, but on my IPhone 6 a very strange exception crashes...
View ArticleLayout lifecycle
Hello I'm currently trying to create a control by inheriting from Frame. I override: void OnSizeAllocated(double width, double height) SizeRequest OnSizeRequest(double widthConstraint, double...
View ArticleHow to Xamarin Forms UI by drag and drop UI Components rather writing...
Hey, I am new to Xamarin and trying to build a simple cross platform app in xamarin forms, For designing I am not able to see any Drag and Drop interface in Xamarin studio for UI. Is there's any way we...
View ArticlePressing buttons multiple times loads multiple pages (Android)
I'm having an issue with Android navigation. I have a list view that contains a bunch of items that have tapped events. These tapped events look like this: async void Tab_ItemSelected(object sender,...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms on Linux?
Given there is no Xamarin Studio for Linux, is there an implementation of the Xamarin.Forms for Desktop Linux such as Ubuntu or other distros? Otherwise what would the community suggest in terms of...
View ArticleHow to use a ListView in a ScrollView with XLabs-PopUp-Control?
Hi all In my App, I have a huge search-page with various (filterable) ListViews (until over 4’000 Items) in a StackLayout and the StackLayout in a ScrollView (as the Page has to be scrollable). The...
View ArticleInitializeComponent does not exist
Hi, I'm having difficulties on XAML files in a Sheared project. Using Xamarin Studio; What I did was simply adding a xaml page to the project and build without adding any code. And it gives me the "The...
View ArticleDoes anyone have a workaround for the ListView row-jumping on iOS when...
Using a ListView on iOS with HasUnevenRows=true and variable heights set for the cell is bugging when navigating to another page. Currently I'm experiencing the following issue (see screenshots): 1)...
View ArticleDouble-tapping in Xamarin.Forms on Android
We've found some rather annoying issues with multiple taps and navigation on Android using Xamarin.Forms. Let's say there's a button press and in the handler there's a bog-standard await...
View ArticleTapDown Recognizer
With mouse event handling, it's possible to recognize both when the mouse button goes down and when it goes back up separately. Is it possible to recognize "OnTapDown" and "OnTapUp" with...
View ArticleHow can I create animation for ListView item?
I have ListView with custom ItemTemplate which contains the Image. ListView placed in center of Grid. Need to animate Image move to the right Grid corner when I click on "+" button. I know that I can...
View ArticleBinding and x:Reference
Hi Folks, Sometimes I want a binding of an attribute to refer to some property of a named element. I can bind some other element's TextSize property to that element by using...
View ArticleINSUrlConnectionDataDelegate interface methods not exposed?
Handle and Dispose seem to be the only items in the interface -- which seems the same problem as this old iOS one:
View ArticleHow to Implement Clickable Image Button to execute ICommand?
Totally new to Xamarin and in learning phase. Here is my basic question I have a button which has an ICommand which executes certain step of instructions on my VM class, currently looking to change the...
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