Background Tasks
In my application I have a Socket Connection to a server, in Android this is running in a Android.App.Service, this works as it should even when the app is minimized/suspended. I am no working on the...
View Articlesorted listview
I have a list view that is binded to an observablecollection. Is there something like a collectionviewsource to do the sorting or do I have to do I everytime I add an item.
View ArticleXamarin System.IO Read/Write file not persisting between sessions
I am unable to write and then read files between sessions. Within a session everything works as expected, however, when I close the app and reload it I receive a "FileNotFoundException" when I do my...
View ArticleDisable scroll in ListView
Hi! Is it possible to disable scrolling in a ListView if you have only a few items? Thanks // Johan
View ArticleBusy indicator is not visible while loading the page first time.
Hi all, I have added pull to refresh in my app. The busy indicator is not visible when I enter in the page (while loading the page) which contains pull to refresh for windows. Does anyone know, how...
View ArticleTabbedPage bug?
Is this a bug or I should use it in another way? public class MyQuestionsPage : ContentPage { public MyQuestionsPage() { Title = "My Questions"; Icon = "TabBar-Icon-MyQuestions"; } } public static Page...
View ArticleHow to find the image that is not found on iOS
Hi all, I get this error: System.Exception: Could not initialize an instance of the type 'MonoTouch.UIKit.UIImage': the native 'initWithContentsOfFile:' method returned nil. It is possible to ignore...
View ArticleMaster Detail Layout - Detail Positioning
I am using the master Detail Layout in Forms and have it implemented, looks pretty good, but noticed a behavior, not sure if there is a defect associated with it or if I missed a switch or something So...
View ArticleRowHeight of a grouped list
Hi, in my application I cannot use the RowHeight Property of a grouped list. It is always -1. My Code in which I needed the Property is: this.<ListView>.HeightRequest = (...
View ArticleHow to profile application
Is it possible to measure memory and CPU usage in the Xamarin.Forms app for the different platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)?
View ArticleExample of binding with a path more than one level deep?
Can someone provide an example of how to define a binding in code for a path that is more than one level deep? For example consider this //directly setting works Title = model.Person.FirstName...
View ArticleCan't make Custom View Cell update on property change
Hi, this is my first week with Xamarin and I can't figure this out. I have 3 classes: 1) ViewModel 2) ContentPage 3) ViewCell And a ObservableCollection where T is the ViewModel. If I add or remove...
View ArticlelistView ViewCell not adjusting it's size to content on iOS
I have a custom ViewCell that i use to populate a listView. It works like a charm on android, on iOS however i'm having issues. The cell has a Horizontal stackLayout with a box and a 2nd stackLayout,...
View ArticleCross Platform TextCell with Custom Look
I would like to create a TextCell that I can use in xaml that uses the native controls of each platform (ios / android), but has my own look to it. I have attached a picture of what I would like it to...
View ArticleShow view hierarchy in Debugger
Hello I was wondering if there's a way to to log the view hierarchy for a ContentPage in Xamarin Forms, similar to how in iOS you can just log the 'description' of a UIView and it will show you all of...
View ArticleIcon image on Toolbar item in xamarin Forms
Hi, I'm creating all forms UI with the code using the Shared project. I want to add the icon image to the toolbar item. Can anyone guide me how can I achieve the same ? I could not find a suitable...
View ArticleHasShadow Property of Frame not working
I am using Xamarin Forms and I am trying to build a cardview style control by putting a frame inside a listview and it doesn't look like the HasShadow property is working properly. I have it set to...
View ArticleNavigation Bar left Toolbar button
Does anyone know any way to add a toolbar item to the left side of a navigation bar instead of the right?
View ArticleHow to intersect unhandled exception (App level)?
Hi there Is there any way to hook to an event when the app unhandled exception occurs? Thanks.
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