Channel: Xamarin.Forms — Xamarin Community Forums
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How to open PDF in xamarin.forms?

How to open PDF in xamarin.forms?

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DatePicker DateSelected Event Not Fired if the date doesn't change?

So I have a form where I would like a user to add a "note" to a day. So they click a button which sets the Focus to a DatePicker: <DatePicker x:Name="addToNoteDiaryDate"...

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Dlls working in one place but not another

Hi folks, I've been playing around with Xamarin and im hoping you can help me out with a couple of questions I have. I can see that when you create an Android application using Xamarin you can use...

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MVVMCross with XF

What's are the reasons why developers will use MVVMCross instead of what's already provided?

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Animation causing KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the...

So I have pretty consistently had issues calling animations from non ui-threads generating this exception. {System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the...

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Acr.XamForms.UserDialogs.Toast customizing the UI apperance

Hi Guys We have been using the Acr.XamForms.UserDialogs.Toast across all our apps and we would like to customize the UI appearance (background colour , font size , font colour, rounded corners, etc.)...

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How does one catch, not re-throw, and report to HockeyApp and said caught...

I need to catch an exception and report it to HockeyApp without crashing my app - hence not re-throwing it. Thanks in advance.

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XAML Layout to create grid 2x6 ?

I realized XAML for Xamarin does not have the same syntaxs as creating native windows phone XAML. Can anyone provide me an example of creating a grid basically 2 (left grid and right grid takes up...

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Having issues with large memory being consumed when displaying images

Hi, I am currently working on a small project which requires some elements with images being displayed in a scrollview. I have a jpeg image of 43kb and when i try to display 5 instances of the my...

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Xlabs : Imagebutton doesn't show the Icon image

I am using Xlabs ImageButton . The icon inside the image doesn't show in my screen. Xlab.Forms version is 2.0.5679. Here is my code , <controls:ImageButton x:Name="TwitterButton" Text="Twitter"...

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Anyone else having issues with ObservableCollection not updating the Listview

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <MasterDetailPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class=".Views.MainPageView"...

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DevExpress Grid Component Crashes With No Error

I have been trying to setup the DevExpress Grid component, but the app just crashes with no errors. I think it may have to do with the section that says Next, manually add the...

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DisplayAlert not displaying and hanging app

What am I doing wrong? I subscribe via Messaging Center in my view, which should pop up a displayalert. In my view model, I send it what to pop up. When it hits the displayalert code in the view, it...

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Why does my oxyplot not display within a stacklayout?

Hi Guys, I am hoping someone can give me a point in the right direction. I have the following page: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage...

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Using standard Icons for NavigationBar in Xamarin Forms

Hi! Is there a way to use OS specific icons on a certain platform in Xamarin Forms? For example, on iOS I would like to use UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd and on WP/droid a custom image....

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How to make single control for a label used on all the pages in an application?

I need a single control for a label (as a footer) used on all the pages in an application, how is it possible? do i need to take custom control? how to do it? help me! Thanks.

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Animated gif in Image view

I've tried multiple gif files, with no luck Their first frame can be rendered correctly, but does not animate Will animated gif be supported? Or do we have to implement ourselves? What other image...

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MR.Gestures handles ALL touch gestures

With MR.Gestures you can handle the Tapping, Tapped, DoupleTapped, LongPressing, LongPressed, Panning, Panned, Swiped, Pinching, Pinched, Rotating and Rotated gestures on all layouts, cells, views and...

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Prerequisites for creation of Xamarin.Forms IOS app on Apple Mac Mini ?

Hi all, I am novice to Mobile app development using Xamarin.forms. I have actually created a sample Master-Detailpage in shared library project and tried to test the output on each platform using...

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iOS: AVSpeechSynthesizer.Speaking property always returning false

Hi, I have an Xamarin.Form iOS app that has a button that speaks some text. I'm trying to check if the app is currently speaking by checking the AVSpeechSynthesizer.Speaking property, but it always...

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