Multi-line text on buttons - how to get consistent across platforms?
When the Text property of a Button is set to text that contains more than one line (i.e. has a carriage return/linefeed in the middle), what gets displayed is different on each platform. On iOS, only...
View ArticleFile Upload Control not working in web view
Hi, I am loading my HTML web page into Xamarin Forms Web View control. In the HTML web page there is one File Upload Control for Image upload. Here The Upload control is not working in Mobile. Thanks
View ArticleOverriding OnDisappearing
I have a non modal page where the user enters data. If the user clicks the software back button (popping the task) before saving his entered data I want to ask the user if they want to save the data. I...
View ArticleListView Alternating row background colors
Is there a way to indicate to the ListView that every other row is a different color? var list = new ListView() { ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(FinancialCell)), .....? } I haven't seen an API...
View ArticleAnyone ever get rows to size correctly using just "HasUnevenRows"?
I've personally always had to use a custom renderer which calculates the cell size based off the model the cell is bound to. I've been doing some experimenting in a test project using the latest...
View ArticleDeploy to Windows
Seems silly that I have to ask, but I can't seem to find any info. Is there any documentation for deploying to Windows? I have a Xamarin.Forms project with a Windows 8.1 App and I want to get it on my...
View ArticleHow to use Azure DocumentDB
Folks, I searched the forums for 'documentdb' and found nothing. I'd like to use a NO-SQL approach in my project and store data as JSON using Azure DocumentDB Anyone had success doing this? When I try...
View ArticleMoved: Deployment failed because of an internal error: Failure...
This discussion has been moved.
View Articlehelp required - Can I place tabs inside a content page
Can I place tabs inside a content page? I am trying to design one single page, where one image(like banner) will be at the top section and 2 or 3 tabs wills be in the remaining section. I have tried...
View ArticleI am unable to call a webservice hosted on my local network.
Attached is my debug summary. I used the following code to call the webservice. I used HttpClient with async task to consume the service on xamarin.forms, but got no success. I tried the same code in a...
View ArticleIs there a way to speed up XAML Page loading?
I'm writing a Xamarin Forms solution for Android and iOS. The application uses a Master-Detail menu where each menu item is a page to navigate to, very simple. My problems is that when tapping on a...
View ArticleImage Corruption With Caching on Xamarin.Forms Android
Here is my source code. In short, when I cache an image, it becomes corrupted (mono-color) Here is a ContentView which includes a spinner and a...
View ArticleSQLite net with linq
Hi, I want to create simple login page. To do that I nead to create simple query to database, to get login and password. Login is unique. My query looks like this: var query = (from s in...
View ArticleLook what I made over last weekend, SliderView!!!!
Hey Forms Community! I was hacking around last weekend to make some kind of SliderView that I could use instead of a CarouselPage. I wanted to share this with the community in the hopes that it will...
View ArticleHow to cancel or handle the back button press on Navigation Bar on iOS/Android
This is such a frustrating experience probably due to either my stupidity or someone's stupidity. The OnBackButtonPressed won't be called at all. And I tried to handle the Popup event of navigation, to...
View ArticleSize of Screen in a Custom Renderer
Hello, I might ask a pretty easy question but I have been trying to get the size of the Screen in a custom renderer to change the size of a Button accordingly. I might be doing something wrong, but...
View ArticleWebView snapshot or disable interactivity
Hi All, I've got a requirement (think browser tabs) to take a snapshot/image/etc of a WebView -or- display the WebView but make it so that it can't be interacted with. To be honest, I'm at a bit of a...
View ArticleDetecting tap on different controls inside a listview cell
Two questions: In Xamarin.Forms, I have a listview. Each item is a ViewCell containing button, labels, images etc. First, I want to detect tap on each item inside a ViewCell. Meaning tap on label, tap...
View ArticleXAML Binding and Attached Properties (AbsoluteLayout in my case)
In XAML only I can't get this binding to work (the layout bounds don't get updated when the source property changes): <BoxView x:Name="leftCropBox" LayoutBounds="{Binding LeftCropBox, Mode=OneWay}"...
View ArticleIs it possible to put a WebView into a ListView and have the WebView expand...
I'm trying to put together a list of social status updates where the updates are composed of snippets of html with image tags etc. Currently I have a ViewCell that builds this and included the...
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