Navigating to a tabbed page
When navigating from a content page to the tabbed page using pushasync...only the content first tab is visible the rest of the tabs are not visible? But if i use pushModalasync all tabs are...
View ArticleCamera access with PCL
I've been using PCL project for a while and I can't get the camera to work. I've gone through online Xamarin Docs and some samples like but no...
View ArticleBug : Switching IsVisible on a button does not redraw the button
Hi, I have found something weird, when switching IsVisibility of several button embbedded in a stacklayout, using a viewModel (Commands and bindings) the buttons does not always redraws themself (on...
View ArticleHow to get mark up of mobile app in xamarin forms ?
How to get the mark up of mobile app for Android, iOS and Windows Phone ?
View ArticleAnyone having strange Map crashes on Android?
We have a XF app that has been working fine but various v4.X android devices suddenly started crashing on the map. With no changes on our part, some of the devices started working again but others are...
View ArticleHybridWebView - problem with loading Google and OSM map pages on Android
var webView = new HybridWebView(new JsonSerializer ()) { // Uri = new Uri(""), // Uri = new Uri(""), Uri = new Uri(""),...
View ArticleEmbed YouTube Video
Hello, I need to embed a YouTube video in my Xamarin.Forms app. I have tried various methods with the WebView control, including passing the embed URL and trying to port this code...
View Articlewrite info to console
Hi Team, I want to write some information to console using Console.WriteLine(''), however the editor shows error(red highlight as if it i not available.) What is the package to be included for Console...
View ArticleSyntax for global Style in Xamarin.forms?
Ok so I have global styles set in App.xaml. What is the syntax to call a x:Key variable or Static Resource in c# code? Thanks
View Article#if __IOS__ seems not working
I used this code in my app, but when it was running, it didn't print the text(both in simulator and my device). #if __IOS__ System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("I'm in iOS"); #endif The Define Symbols...
View Articleits possible to create a transparent entry in xamarin.forms iOS like Android?
i want in iOS the entry looks like a entry Android, the entry android don`t have border, but the entry iOS have a border. var entryStyle = new Style (typeof(Entry)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property...
View ArticlePicker Selection Event
Hi, I have a problem with xamarin form picker. I need to have an event when the "done" (ios) or "ok" (android) button was clicked. Cause i want to open a popup when user select an item. I only see a...
View ArticleHandling SQLite PCL ; DB path:
Hi guys, how can i make sure to use always the same path once the db is created? The issue i have now, every time i start to debug the app on the iOS simulator the app creates a new db.. Im checking...
View ArticleButton with an image, how to centre the image horizontally?
Hi guys, Trying to get a little button with an image, I want the image to be centred within the button but it is always to the left. Button button = new Button(); { //WidthRequest = 50 BorderWidth =...
View ArticleInitializeComponent does not exist
Hi, I'm having difficulties on XAML files in a Sheared project. Using Xamarin Studio; What I did was simply adding a xaml page to the project and build without adding any code. And it gives me the "The...
View ArticleInitializeComponent does not exist - xaml file - visual studio 2015 - Windows 10
I get this error 'InitializeComponent does not exist' after doing the following steps in visual studio 2015... * add new project select 'Blank app (xamarin.forms portable)' * then i update Xamarin...
View ArticleButton view Enabled property?
Dumb question, I can't seem to find an enabled property on a button in Xamarin.Forms. Is there something there and I am just missing it. PS. Try not to laugh to much at the question.
View ArticleImages Throwing Off Grid Row Height
I have a grid with three equal-width columns and a number or rows dependent on the number of items it contains. Each grid cell contains a vertical stacklayout with an image and a label underneath it....
View Article"Xam.PCL - Settings Plugin" gives error in test project
I have recently added the Xam.Plugins.Settings to my Xamarin forms project and it is working fine - but it is now failing my unit tests. My unit test are agains ta PCL library but it gives the...
View ArticleUsing a ListView inside another ListView or how to achieve child parent view
Just wondering if a ListView inside another ListView is supported at all in Xamarin Forms. I'm trying accomplish a list of status updates, each item would also potentially have another list of...
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