XLabs.Forms.WP8 Version 2.0.5679.29898 was built for WP8,1 and not WP8.0
This error I am getting after update all with Xamarin.Forms to V1.4. Probably @SKall knows it better. I am using VS2015 Enterprise edition.
View ArticleHow to display a local PDF file that is not bundled in app
I've tried everything I can think of to display a PDF that my app downloads. I download it into the MyDocuments folder. I've tried using Xamarin.Forms webview. I've also created a custom renderer for...
View ArticleMR.Gestures handles ALL touch gestures
With MR.Gestures you can handle the Tapping, Tapped, DoupleTapped, LongPressing, LongPressed, Panning, Panned, Swiped, Pinching, Pinched, Rotating and Rotated gestures on all layouts, cells, views and...
View ArticleAndroid UI
Hi there! I'm wondering why the tabbedPage on Android doesn't use the new support library Toolbar, I see all tabs on Android supporting swipe shown here The same goes to MasterDetail to the new...
View ArticleMapRenderer For Android in Xamarin.Forms
Hi, i want to customize the marker option for android. I found this code for Android : // Getting GoogleMap object from the fragment googleMap = mapFragment.getMap(); // Setting a custom info window...
View ArticleCreating a new GestureRecognizer
Looking at the Xamarin.Forms Api tha you provide, there is only TapGestureRecognizer. I was thinking of implementing more GestureRecognizers. However, in the interface that you guy provide is using...
View ArticleGoogle Map is Showing a blank screen in Android
Hi i am new to Xamarin. I created a map using the following link http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/platform_features/maps_and_location/maps/part_2_-_maps_api/ i followed all the procedures...
View ArticleCustom Renderer: Read view from layout
Hi! I have an Android example I want to put into Xamarin.Forms: <com.nativeandroidproject.view android:id="@+id/widget" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />...
View ArticleHow to Resize Grid Layout Row Height to fit Data Bound List View ?
I am trying to define a grid layout and have a row that contains a list view, but I would like the entire list view to display, so I can have a bullet point list so in this type of scenario -...
View ArticleBest tool for UI Automation
I just confused to choose better UI Automation tool for Android and iPhone apps built using Xamarin platforms, please suggest me to pick up the right tool for my needs, Write scripts Need to perform...
View ArticleMasterDetail & Tabbed pages have unexpected results on Android
Hi! I just started out with the (awesome) Xamarin.Forms, but bumped into a problem yesterday that I can't seem to figure out. I created a MasterDetail page that contains two Menu options: One that...
View Articleerror by running cross platform app
Hello everyone, My partner has developed a cross platform system using Xamarin Studio, after finished it, he sent the project to me by mail. The project it's ok on my partner enviroment. When I open...
View ArticleModal not working ???
It seems that use of **PushModalAsync **/ **PopModalAsync **does'nt work ??? I try showing a simple page and wait until it is dismissed by the. According to what I have been able to find on the net,...
View ArticleContentPage was not found error, when creating new xamarin.forms portable app
I have visual studio 2015 community installed on windows 10. I'm getting an error 'ContentPage was not found' after i do the follow simple steps. * In Visual Studio 2015 add new project select 'Blank...
View ArticleDifferent layouts between listview in ContentPage and ContentPage with...
Hi, I test forms in a 'test' app, and then copy them to my real app, to make it easier to test/debug. I have a listview in a contentpage which is spot on, but in a tabbed page, it is all over the show...
View ArticleFix for Button Layout Bug on Android
If you've run into the same problems with layout on buttons that I have where when you either add other controls, or even just do things like set text on labels, and you're finding that the Button text...
View ArticleButton.Text not consistent across platforms, why?
In Android, it is displayed all caps. Can we display text in normal case, as it is set. In iOS, meaningless hiding of text is happening. Three dots replace the center text. And I see 3 dots replacing...
View ArticleListView default GroupHeader differences in Xamarin Forms 1.3.3 & 1.4
Hello, I recently updated my Xamarin.Forms assemblies to 1.4 (from 1.3.3), and I couldn't help but notice default ListView group headers changed on iOS. In the older version, they were thinner, giving...
View ArticleHow to create new file directory?
I wanna create a file directory, so that I can put the new created file into this new directory. var documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); var newDocPath =...
View ArticleFastCell on github - silky smooth scrolling in ListView while using XAML
The xaml in the complex example is really over-the-top (3 stack layouts, and 9 images) and performance is still good. Let me know how you get on! Implementation is very easy and unobtrusive....
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