Tabbed Pages in android are not working with new Xamarin Forms
I hava a Tabbed page Inside a Navigation Page As Detail Of Master Details Page, Clicking on tabs doesn't work, it always shows the last page. public class TestTabMasterDetailPage : MasterDetailPage {...
View Article[Xamarin Blog] Build Your Own Selfies App with Xamarin.Forms and Azure
Sending selfies to all your friends has never been easier thanks to Moments: a Snapchat clone built with Xamarin.Forms and Microsoft Azure. Best of all, Moments is also open-source and freely available...
View ArticleCould not install package 'Xamarin.Forms'.
Dear All, newbie with Xamarin, When adding 'Xamarin.Forms' package, I am facing with below: Could not install package 'Xamarin.Forms'. You are trying to install this package into a project...
View ArticleWhy does my oxyplot not display within a stacklayout?
Hi Guys, I am hoping someone can give me a point in the right direction. I have the following page: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage...
View Articlepage navigation
Dear All, I am new born level of Xamarin, I am trying to navigate from Mainform to MyPage1 ..but confuse how does it work? what method should I use to call MyPage1? with Fade or sliding transition?...
View ArticleXlabs : Imagebutton doesn't show the Icon image
I am using Xlabs ImageButton . The icon inside the image doesn't show in my screen. Xlab.Forms version is 2.0.5679. Here is my code , <controls:ImageButton x:Name="TwitterButton" Text="Twitter"...
View ArticlePlaying audio files in xamarin forms
Hi, Can anyone tried to play audio files in the application using xamarin forms.If so please show me a way to implement this. Thanks , sunil
View ArticleCustomizing a Picker That Contains a List
I'm still new Xamarin and I'm having some trouble in my code. I have a picker that contains a list of areas. There are over 3000 items. It will be very hard and not user friendly to scroll down all of...
View ArticleActivity indicator covering the whole screen (including all of the bars)
Hi, Is there a way of implementing ActivityIndicator via Xamarin Forms and that indicator to be covering the whole page? (including all of the bars, if there are any). Right now I am developing an app...
View Articledelete multiple items using ListView
Hi Guys, I am looking for small example demo for deleting multiple rows in the listview using Xamarin Forms.I know how to develop the simple listview like below ListView listview=new Listview();...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms.Maps thrown an error if rotated on Nexus 7
Page <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:maps="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.Maps;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Maps"...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms.Maps thrown an error if rotated on Nexus 7
Page <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:maps="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.Maps;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Maps"...
View ArticleHow to Customize the UI of control in Xamarin forms ?
How to customize the look of Xamarin forms means 1. when I using Stack Layout the it will increase the gap between two control(because its divide the space equally to all the controls). 2. If I use...
View ArticleMaps PCL - release problem
Hi, I 'm developing a cross-plataform app (pcl) using As far I run it in debug mode it works like a charm, but when I try to run as release I got a error with empty message, just...
View ArticleiOS App not displaying in full screen
I have an iOS App using Xamarin.Forms and have deployed it to the iPhone Retina (4-inch 64-bit) iOS 7 Simulator. I have set the iPhone Deployment Target to 7.0 and for iPhone/iPod devices only. However...
View ArticleEditor with vertical scroll bar
Hi, I am using Editor for Multiline text. If the text is longer than the editor height, i am able to scroll the text, but vertical scroll bar is not shown. How to make scrollbar visible in Editor if...
View ArticleInitializeComponent does not exist
Hi, I'm having difficulties on XAML files in a Sheared project. Using Xamarin Studio; What I did was simply adding a xaml page to the project and build without adding any code. And it gives me the "The...
View ArticleWebView loading progress.
Hello all, want to implement custom progressbar for webview. But I can't even find the way how it can be done... Can anybody help me?
View ArticleTrouble with Xamarin.Forms after upgrade
Hello, After upgrading to Xamarin 3.11.836.0 (ed5c750) in Visual Studio I see some strange issues and don't know how to resolve them. The first thing I noticed is that the PCL Reference shows...
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