IPA Generation on Jenkins
Hi, I'm having some trouble to generate an IPA for my Xamarin Forms iOS project on Jenkins. I follow the documentation (http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/ci/jenkins_walkthrough/). I'm...
View ArticleHow to change background color for all platform
How to change the background color of pages so that it will come same for all the platform (Android, iOS, Windows) means I want keep same color in all platform. Is there any way to do this ?
View ArticleHow to hide Tab Bar on some pages
I'm using a TabbedPage and would like to hide the Tab Bar on some pages, i.e. show the bar on page A, navigate to page B and have it be hidden. Specifically I'm looking at how to implement this on iOS,...
View ArticleBluetooth central and peripheral connectivity
Hai, I want to develop a mobile app(Cross-platform mobile app). My app should be able to communicate with my sensor(peripheral) which has a bluetoothLE . For this purpose I used the following BLE...
View ArticleCustom Icon and Text Color for a TabbedPage
Hey all, I recently went through the super struggle of trying to build a custom TabBar for a TabbedPage. Our designs entail icons and text that are black regardless of whether the tab is selected or...
View ArticleA ListView with an expanding footer
Hey guys, I've been Googling around for a while and I'm unable to find something that will help me do what I need. I want a ListView where the footer will expand to fill the screen if there are not...
View ArticleNo constructor found for...
On Android 4.4.2 sometimes I get: Caused by: md52ce486a14f4bcd95899665e9d932190b.JavaProxyThrowable: System.NotSupportedException: Unable to activate instance of type...
View ArticleHard Tapping Issue in Xamarin Form
We are facing issues with touch in our application after updating to latest Forms version Button/Images are difficult to tap. Any idea about the problem or any solution? I found following...
View ArticleCan't deploy to iPhone
Cross-posting this from the Visual Studio forum, since it hasn't gotten a response in 24 hours. Hopefully I can get some attention here. Whenever I try to run on an iPhone, Visual Studio hangs for a...
View ArticleSwitch to Landscape Full Screen View
I searched the forums but Didn't find anything like this. I'm using Charts in my app, so I want users to be able to switch from portait to full screen landscape for chart detailed analisis. I found a...
View ArticleCustomize SwitchCell
Hi, I want to change de color of switch in SwitchCell. How can i do that? Thx
View ArticleTapGestureRecognizer sensitivity on Android
We have a xamarin forms based app. With the latest releases of Forms it works pretty quick and decent. Especially on iOS. However, I noticed something particular regarding TapGestureRecognizer on...
View ArticleLogin and MasterDetail Interaction
HI. In the App class contructor i got MainPage = new LogInPage(); , them, in the login page when the user press the button login i use: BUTTON_LOGIN.Clicked += async(sender, ea) => {...
View ArticleHow to find the image that is not found on iOS
Hi all, I get this error: System.Exception: Could not initialize an instance of the type 'MonoTouch.UIKit.UIImage': the native 'initWithContentsOfFile:' method returned nil. It is possible to ignore...
View ArticleProblem navigating from one map page to another map page
So, I have the map working on my Android device(s), but I have a problem when there is a map on a contentpage that navigates to another contentpage with another map on it. Its as though the first map...
View ArticleSymptomless Crash using Newtonsoft in PCL
I recently moved a project I am working on over to a JSON document based backend. Serialization on the backend works just fine, all data objects are uploaded successfully, but on download, when I...
View ArticleMap not drawing correctly when switching pages on Android
Here's an odd one that's blocking progress; wasted 4+ hours so far. Works on iOS, not on Droid. I have an app with 3 ContentPages. The main page ("A") has a map. Another page ("B") also has a map. The...
View Articleheader in listview
Hi. New "header" in listiview scroll when listview scroll vertically. Can I have "header" always visible? (not scrolling)
View ArticleHow to downgrade Google Play Services for XF Android to version 22.
When I added xamarin.forms.maps yesterday, it automatically installed v25. Apparently, I need to stay on v22 in order to use the maps. How can I select the version using nuget, or should I use the...
View ArticleGuidance on Android Integration Tests
Are there any tutorials on automated integration tests for Xamarin.Forms? I am satisfied with my unit tests. However, I want to test integration with my app and its dependency on the SQLite database.
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