Problem with ItemAppearing event in ListView
I'm trying to do dynamic data load in ListView when scrolling to the end. For this, I use the event ItemAppearing. The problem is that when I first add data ItemSource, the event ItemAppearing is...
View ArticleApplication.Current.Properties not persisting on WindowsPhone - works fine on...
Hi! So I have this problem where Application.Current.Properties won't persist on Windows Phone, but it works properly on iOS. Android I'm not sure of, because I currently don't have a licence for...
View ArticleUI does not responds/updates while rapid view model data updates in thread
Hi, I'm working in a Xamarin Forms app that must display rapid changing numbers on the screen. For the sake of explaining let's say I have four labels on the screen which display multiple values that...
View ArticleDelivering touch events to a view outside the bounds of its parent view. [iOS]
I'm working on popup UITableView, that is shown above parent UITextField. And the problem is my tableView is not clickable at all except Vegetables item, that is placed right above the parent view. I...
View ArticleAdd MasterDetailPage Into A StackLayout
Hi everyone! I have a stacklayout in my main page. I want to load/add a masterdetailpage inside this stacklayout. How can I do it? Thanks!
View ArticleXamarin.Forms iOS statusbar color
I am building an application in Xamarin.Forms, on the iOS app I want the status bar color to be white. After a while I managed to achieve this by doing the following, App.cs public App() {...
View ArticlePushAsync() from PushModalAsync()
Hello all, i have the following problem im pushing from a NavigationPage PushModelAsync(). My goal is now to push from this Modal a new Navigation Page which refers again back to my current...
View ArticleXLabs.Forms checkbox not working in iOS throwing exception
I Created Xamarin.Forms PCL project to work on CheckBox in Xamarin Studio(5.7) in Mac environment. I added XLabs.Forms package from Nuguet Package. CheckBox is working fine in android. But when i run...
View ArticleOnStart, OnSleep, and OnResume not called
Hello, I created a Xamarin.Forms Shared application and noticed that OnStart, OnSleep, and OnResume are never reached. OnStart should be called in Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init am I right ? Why are all of...
View ArticleAccessing REST API -- Refit
I am very new to mobile dev, so please forgive my basic question. I have developed an API and would now like to use Xamarin.Forms to consume that API. I'm using Refit because it simplyfies calling each...
View Article(the ever popular) Xamarin.Forms TabbedPage navigation question
Hi, I defined a TabbedPage as shown below. I would like to find out how I can navigate from the different tab child pages (e.g. MainMenuPage which is a NavigationPage) to other child pages...
View ArticleRelative layout behavior or creating custom control.
Hello. I'm trying to create message contol wich should look like this: I think it should be relative layout where I will add CircleImage, Frame with rounded corners and...
View ArticleNull Exception when calling Navigation.* (Push, Pop, PopToRoot)
Forgive me if this question has been answered before, but I did some searching and all I could find is some iOS stuff. I'm working on an app where you can take a photo and upload it to a cloud...
View ArticleTableView Editing Mode
Is there support for getting a TableView into editing mode? I tried using a TableViewRenderer and putting the UITableView in this.Control into editing mode, which only sort of worked. And setting the...
View ArticleIs there a way to tell if an item is currently visible with a stack layout...
I was wondering if there is a quick property for a ViewCell to tell if it is currently on screen or if the scroll view currently would need to be scrolled to see the item?
View ArticleXAML Binding and Attached Properties (AbsoluteLayout in my case)
In XAML only I can't get this binding to work (the layout bounds don't get updated when the source property changes): <BoxView x:Name="leftCropBox" LayoutBounds="{Binding LeftCropBox, Mode=OneWay}"...
View ArticleHow do I change the color of a selected item on a ListView?
I'm creating a ListView that has some simple items inside a ViewCell. When I select one of the items it becomes orange. When I click and hold (to open the context actions) it becomes white......
View ArticleStarting and cancelling an asynchronous task
I have a XAML-based Xamarin.Forms page with some buttons bound to commands (implementations of the “System.Windows.Input.ICommand” interface) defined as properties of my ViewModel, which is in the...
View ArticleHow to send email in iOS using Xamarin Forms - iOS project?
Don't give me the Xamarin recipe link for Send an Email. That doesn't work for Xamarin Forms. Help me with something that works in XF.
View ArticleI have all my assets in SVG format. How can I convert them to a XAML or...
I'd love to switch to Xamarin.Forms to make crossplatform apps, but I have all my graphic UI assets in SVG format. Here is an example of a buttons set created by me with Inkscape: ] You can download...
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