Gettting error while building Android application in VS2013
Getting following error while building Android application in VS2013 : Could not find type 'Org.Apache.Http.Impl.Client.DefaultHttpClient' in assembly 'AndroidSDKLibrary, Version=,...
View ArticleBind a Command from list view itemTemplate (MenuItem)
Hi all, I have a list view, and I am using Xamarin Forms Content Actions functionality to add some swipe functionality. var moreAction = new MenuItem { Text = "Add Result", }; ContextActions.Add...
View ArticleSample PDF document generation on Sample UI
Hi , I have one label and entry in my UI.I want to save those details in PDF document on click of the somebutton.Anybody has sample code to explore how to do it. Any suggestion and links will help me a...
View ArticleNavigationPage.Pushed isn't being raised on Navigate.PushModalAsync calls...
... and similarly, NavigationPage.Popped isn't being raised on Navigate.PopModalAsync calls. In my mind modal navigation is a visual implementation detail, so I would expect the Pushed and Popped...
View ArticleHow to show Confirmation Alert dialog before popping a Page in Xamarin.Forms ?
I am developing a cross platform application using Xamarin.Forms. I have two pages page1 and page2. When moving from page2 to page1, using Navigation.PopAsync, I need to show an alert dialog to let the...
View ArticleHow to avoid showing keyboard when focusing EntryCell
Hi, I have a Xamarin.forms project, I have a page with an EntryCell control, I want to avoid showing the keyboard when the EntryCell gets the focus since it is for scanning barcode labels, how can I...
View ArticleCan't get context menu working
Hi, I can't seem to get my context MenuItems to fire either the edit or the delete commands indicated below. The menu comes up just fine, but nothing happens. Hopefully someone can help me out....
View Articlecustom listview with 100+ items disappears
Hello again! Ive have create a lot of custom layout to an app that im working on, look at the attachment.. I've been creating a custom listview by extending Layout, and a class that can collapse the...
View ArticleHeight of item separator in ListView (in iOS)
Hi to all. I am creating a ListViewRenderer for customize the height and color of the item separator. I already have done it for Android, but I can't do it for iOS. Please, could you help me? Thanks.
View ArticleImage Click event
Can we achieve the click/touch event on the Image using Xamarin.Forms?
View ArticleDoes anyone know how to hide navigation bar for Forms?
I tried to hide the navigation bar for NavigationPage. Does anyone have a idea?
View ArticleButton renderer iOS
Hi, I'm new to Xamarin and start with Xamarin.Form API. I look video for using renderer to customize each component for each platform. I try to make a button with a background gradient but can't find...
View ArticleImages from ViewCell is missing when run on Device
Sometimes I use iOS simulator to test and I'm doing ViewCells to my tables with back ground images. Check the code: var absoluteLayout = new AbsoluteLayout(); var background = new Image { Style =...
View ArticleTab Bar Icon Sizing
Hi there, trying to change size of my tabbar icons without having to make a certain size for each device. I read somewhere that you can do an AspectFill to maintain aspect ratio but it didnt work for...
View Articlescreen resolution
is there any way I can get what is the phone's screen resolution ? for if I set 90px for the size of an image, in some resolutions it is very small Thank you
View ArticleWhy does my oxyplot not display within a stacklayout?
Hi Guys, I am hoping someone can give me a point in the right direction. I have the following page: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage...
View ArticleAcr.UserDialogs.ShowLoading NOT Working Consistantly on Droid
Anyone using the Acr.UserDialogs.ShowLoading modal on Droid with any success? It seems to work pretty well on iOS, but not always and on droid, if there are more than 2-3 views on the navigation stack,...
View ArticleReusing custom renderers
Hi all, In my Xamarin.Forms application I use NavigationPage with stack of ContentPages to display my content. It's similar, for example, to typical mail application: it has some list of items and when...
View ArticleGet rid of button borders in Windows
Hi, A regular button in iOS and Android doesn't have any borders but it has on Windows (despite the doc saying the default value of BorderWidth is 0). I tried to apply a style that set the BorderWidth...
View ArticleHow to access iOS view controller in the latest xamarin forms version?
Hi all, yesterday I updated my xamarin forms pcl solution (iOS, android and win phone sub projects) to the latest stable xamarin forms which I believe is 1.3. I have noticed that in the iOS project,...
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